29 | Mom

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here's a peek into sophie's past...i told you i'd make it up to you guys with a double update:) enjoy guys x

I woke up with a scream, just in time to feel my world flipping so hard that my stomach nearly ejected itself through my throat

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I woke up with a scream, just in time to feel my world flipping so hard that my stomach nearly ejected itself through my throat. Seconds later I heard the sound of glass breaking and metal crunching, as well as the sickening crack of bones. Pain hit me hard in the face. I could feel my cheek bleeding, and I looked down to see shards of glass embedded in my skin, others only cutting me with red lines so straight I wanted to cry.

My arms gripped for the sides of the car, and I cried out as I cut myself on another sharp piece of glass. It took me a moment to snap out of the shock.

"Oh god. Oh god." My body shook as I felt my body go limp, weak from impact. But it was nothing compared to what I was seeing.

My fingers shook so hard they could've been vibrating, and I felt for pulses, their pulses. Were they breathing? They had to be breathing.

Please be breathing.

No pulse. I shook harder as sobs wracked my body, frantically pushing myself as I inched a finger under each of their noses, hoping to feel the joy of a breath.

There was none. There never would be one.

"Help. Someone, please help. Please."


I woke with a gasp, shooting up in bed as I clutched my stomach, crying and screaming as I shook. It was an anxiety attack.

My bedroom door was flung open and both my parents burst in, Grady with a broomstick looking furious.

I tried to breathe. My chest heaved, and I wheezed softly when my eyes welled with more tears ready to be spilled. Help.

Edaline came flew over to my side, sitting on my bed and stroking my back, pulling me into a hug. I sobbed into her chest, soaking her nightgown with my tears. I felt the other side of my bed dip as Grady sat down. He didn't say anything.

It took me another five minutes to calm down, my breath evening out. Edaline only let go when I had fully calmed from my frenzy, looking me over to make sure I was okay.

"Was it the crash?" she asks, her voice faltering on the last word.

I nod, not trusting my own.

Grady stands up awkwardly. "I'm going to make you some tea to help you sleep better." He's never been good with feelings, but I do know that in instances like this he tries his best.

"I'm so sorry, Sophie," Edaline tells me, embracing me again. She squeezes me tightly, reminding me that I'm still here.

"I'm-I'm going to die just like them," I choke out, my voice beyond shaky.

She draws back. "No, you're not going to," she says very firmly, holding my arms.

"You can't know that," I tell her, remembering not too long ago that I told Keefe the same thing. Uncertainty seems to be a consistent plague in my life at the moment.

"I don't," she agrees. "I choose to believe that."

I look down at my covers, pulling my blankets tighter to my chest.

"But, Sophie –"

I look up as she prompts me to, her voice resigned and weary, yet firm.

"—I know that they would be proud of you. I know that I can never truly make up for your true mother's absence, but you know damn well that I'll try my best. I'm so sorry, Sophie."

"It's okay," I murmur, grabbing her hand and holding on tightly.

Even now, it hurts so much. It still hurts so much.

I look at Edaline, observing her closely as she rubs my back comfortingly, her expression pained. I still call her Edaline, after all this time.

Maybe someday I'll be strong enough to call her Mom.

I bury myself in her arms.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now