47 | Tomato

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I know that it's not in the same chapter this time, but I decided that I might as well make this a tradition, for old time's sake. Only OG & true fans that've read all of my books will understand what I'm talking about. Can any of you (be honest, don't go try and find it) on the spot name which chapter this was and what book it was in? 🍅

Even the banner color matches it. Unbelievable.


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The entire day I'm looking forward to seeing Sophie, knowing that she has something planned for my birthday

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The entire day I'm looking forward to seeing Sophie, knowing that she has something planned for my birthday. I figure that we'll probably order in some pizza, cuddle up and watch a movie. She knows that I'd much rather be at her house given a choice, just because I feel so much more at home wherever she is and her entire family is so good to me.

By the time football practice is over, I'm impatient. I drive home to shower really quick, making sure that I smell good and that my hair looks good before I see her. No one wants to see someone else looking like a total pig, after all.

I'm halfway to her house when I drive past a small flower shop about to close. I pull over immediately, just on instinct, knowing that I want to get her some flowers. I push open the shop doors with a jingle, smiling apologetically at the person about to close the shop. I scan the shop for a smaller bouquet that's rearranged really nicely. What makes my eyes stop on it are the small sunflowers among the bunch of wildflowers. They remind me of Sophie. Sunflowers are kind of the happiest flowers, I think, because they're yellow and always look towards the sun. Lately, we've been happier than ever. The past few weeks have relieved a lot of stress and really taken us on a ride together.

I grab the wildflower bouquet and pull out my wallet, going to the cashier and handing them both the flowers and the bills. Once I've bought them, I refuse a bag, satisfied with all that I have. I walk out of the story smiling.

I send Sophie a quick text letting her know that I'll be there soon, getting into my car and setting the flowers in the shotgun seat. I'm at her place in no time, grabbing the flowers and opening the car door to get out.

I'm ready to shut my door to the car and lock it when I remember the box sitting in my dashboard, safely hidden in the open-up pocket. I hesitate, then figure I should grab it in case tonight turns out to be the perfect time for me to ask her. I tuck the box into my back pocket.

I go up to her house and ring the doorbell, calling out when no one answers. It's strange. I announce that I'm going into what seems like an empty household, opening the door when I find it unlocked.

When I open the door, I find pitch black and silence. It takes me off guard, and I glance at my phone, wondering if I was supposed to meet her somewhere else. Then the lights flick on, and I snap my head up.

"Happy Birthday!" at least thirty people chorus in unison, horns going off, confetti poppers launching confetti into the air, and some kazoo.

A surprise party?

I don't know whether to grin or be completely and totally shocked. I just stand there like an idiot, looking at all of the people that showed up. I see my friend group, the entire football team, Sophie's parents, and even my father. It's only when I finally look to my right that I see Sophie, standing maybe a foot away from me with a soft smile on her face.

"Sophie, did you plan this?" I ask, already knowing the answer. It's touching to say the least – this looks like it took a lot of effort. I'm surprised that no one spoiled this for me. I didn't suspect a thing.

She nods, almost ducking her head, looking shy. "Happy birthday, Keefe," she says, holding out a piece of cake and a fork.

I turn and put the bouquet on the shelf behind me, forgetting all about my intention to give it to her as I hurry to accept the plate and fork. "This is unbelievable, thank you."

"Yeah, of course."

I can't not say something. "What, you nervous I wouldn't like it, Foster?" I tease, resisting the urge to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. Behind me, I can hear people talking and laughing, the atmosphere contagious as I draw energy from the place I'm in. This feels nice.

She turns tomato, swishing a curtain of hair over her face briefly to hide what I'm sure is her embarrassed face. It's cute how she gets embarrassed so easily. "Just shut up and eat the cake, Sencen. I baked it from scratch, you know."

My eyes widen. No wonder it looks so good. I lift a bite up to my mouth and let out a soft moan when I taste the flavor. Dulce de Leche. It's essentially a creamy caramel, my favorite flavor. I'm honestly honored at how much effort she put into this. "Mm, Foster. This might taste better than you after drinking hot chocolate."

I don't even have to look at her to know that she's flustered, blushing even harder at the reference to one of my favorite times together. I can still remember exactly how she tasted, distinctly, and while I love this cake, the 'might' in my sentence was there for a reason.

I eat fast, nearly halfway finished with the big slice in no time. I can see from the large chunk already taken out of the cake that she probably set some aside for me for later, meaning that I don't have to savor it at all.

Thunk. My fork hits something hard – and it's definitely not the plate.

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