10 | Girlfriend

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anyone remember maya from light it up? any gmw fans out there? there's a gif up top so y'all can picture that lovely face

think i've dragged out their not meeting too long already? i think i might rewrite the plot for a few chapters to see if i can speed things up and get things going. it will also shorten the book a little bit, but i think the book's pretty long as it is...lol i'm getting impatient, too.

this chapter is slightly filler, which i apologize about, but things are going to take a turn real quick. you guys all know how i love my plot twists xx

if y'all have any questions i can answer, whether they be about me, books, writing, etc. i'm happy to answer them if you post them to my feed or dm me or comment anytime, as always.

next chapter's keefe's point of view. brace yourself for some weird jokes:)

 brace yourself for some weird jokes:)

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S o p h i e  F o s t e r

By the time lunch comes around, my mind is spinning with different thoughts and possibilities. I can't stop wondering what the other half of my soul will act like. What he or she will look like.

It's really lucky that my soulmate goes to this school. Many people don't ever get to meet their soulmates. My heart hurts, just thinking about that being a possibility.

I push into the cafeteria with a sigh. The bustling noise greets my ears, the bright lights reflecting off of the ground as though meaning to blind me.

I hate this place. It's too loud and too bright. Everywhere you look, there are soulmates laughing lovingly and friends teasing each other happily. It just reminds me of what I don't have.

I look for Dexter but can't find a trace of where he is. With a sigh, I decide I'm going to skip lunch today and go rant my frustrations out to a friend.

I leave the cafeteria, heading towards my quiet spot on campus, under the trees outside. I take out my phones and hit the facetime call button, feeling the soft breeze whistle past my ears.

"What's good, girlfriend," a familiar voice choruses, and I smile.

"I have news," I tell her, unable to keep the excitement out of my voice. Just grinning makes and talking to her makes me feel even more hopeful for what's to come.

Maya flips her blonde hair over her shoulder, blue eyes widening at my words. "Oh, yeah?"

"You might want to sit down for this." I pause, just for that snazzy extra dramatic effect. "My soulmate goes to my high school!"

She squeals happily for me, bouncing up and down with small shrieks and a super wide grin. Then she stops and gives me a suspicious look. "How long have you known about this?"

"Like a day, chill," I roll my eyes.

"What can I say?" Maya says with her signature smirk, "I'm not getting any action over here, so I'm living through you."

"Get your own!" I jab, sticking out my tongue playfully.

She ignores me. "So, what are we talking here? Tell me about your other half."

I make a yikes face at the camera. "Soo, I actually am not sure which one out of five people in my art class he is. But I brushed hands with someone, and the nausea went away."

"Hmm," Maya murmurs. "That's a dilemma, alright. How's the nausea, by the way?"

"Terrible." I think I get my bluntness from hanging around her. "It feels like a hundred-three fever except the only symptoms you've got are feeling terrible and needing to throw up but not being able to throw up. Nothing to look forward to. When you feel sparks, you sure as hell better note who they are so you don't have to experience that, it's terrible."

She grimaces, just thinking about it. "Great, now I don't really want to find mine. Wait no – that's a lie."

As an afterthought, I add, "I think his name is something along the lines of Killian Sencen. I don't know many people around school, though, so I don't know anyone with a name like that."

"Girl, you should look him up or something," she urges, giving me a face that I can't decipher.


"How's Disney World, by the way?" Maya questions me, wiggling her brows. "He find anyone yet? I haven't talked to him in a while."

"Nothing's really new with Dex, it's only been a week," I laugh, taking a piece of golden blonde hair and twirling it around my finger. I'll have to ask Dex where he went later instead of the cafeteria.

"You never know," she shrugs. "Seriously, though, we need to meet up sometime."

I agree with her, and we laugh and discuss meetup dates a little bit before deciding to hang up the call, partly due to me having to go to my next period class.

Man, I really miss when Maya and I use to go to the same school. I could use a few new girl friends to get me to let loose and have fun.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now