03 | Predator & Prey

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thanks so much for 400 views, guys. a happy belated valentines day to you all & a happy friday. this chapter showcases the first-ever perspective from our second perspective, Sophie Foster.

disclaimer: this chapter may contain slightly violent scenes, so if you are not comfortable reading please skip this chapter. a recap will be posted at the end of the chapter.

the lovely fanart up above for this chapter was done by @ASokeefeShipper and it looks SO GOOD aaaah thank youuu <3

comment & vote if you liked the chapter! since this is the valentines day special, yet another chapter will be put up on monday:-)

comment & vote if you liked the chapter! since this is the valentines day special, yet another chapter will be put up on monday:-)

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S o p h i e   F o s t e r

The bell rang, signaling the end of school for me. I packed up the books I had been studying, placing each one back in my bag with care.

You could say I was a bookworm. My nose was always in the nearest non-fiction book. I was known as a smartass in my family, and with blonde hair, I had been singled out for the cheerleading team on my first day.

Was I the only one cringing?

I was hardly cheerleading material. Sometimes I wish that I had joined the team, however, because everyone on that team fit in and automatically had friends.

Unlike me.

I slung my bookbag over my shoulder, giving one last glance to the school's library, my beloved habitat as a bookworm.

I pushed open the doors, making my way down the hall quickly so as not to be spotted. Hopefully.

It was too late. They were hovering around the doors, waiting to pounce on me like I was prey. Stina, Maruca, and Valin smiled maliciously at me. "How's our favorite bookworm?" Stina cooed, her voice dripping with false sweetness and venom. "May we accompany you down the hall?"

I gulped, knowing that it wasn't a question. They just wanted to take her out of teachers' sights. I nodded meekly, knowing that struggling wouldn't do anything. With the motion, all three of them surrounding me as I walked slowly down the halls.

The moment they turned the corner, Maruca grabbed my wrists, spinning me around so that I could see all of their faces. There was a split second where I took in her fate, before Valin swept my feet out from under me.

I landed on my back with a thump, groaning as the ridges of my numerous books dug into my  spine. Stina smiled as she delivered a blow to my stomach, then gestured for her fellow bullies to do the same. Maruca didn't bother letting me recover air, giving me a swift blow to the head.

I groaned at the feeling of the concrete hitting my head after it connected to the sharp point of Maruca's stinted combat boots. Blood trickled down from my head somewhere, but I didn't have time to try to feel where it was coming from. Valin laughed at me, reaching out a hand to help me up. "Need a hand, Soph?"

"Don't call me that," I hissed through the blood and tears, pain racing throughout my whole body. I didn't want to be nicknamed by the likes of him.

He grabbed my hand anyways, pulling me half way up before dropping me abruptly so that I hit my tailbone hard on the floor again. "Pitiful."

Haziness threatened to overtake me, my head pounding and rattling in my skull. I couldn't feel anything, the blackness all too kindly ready to take me.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" a boy's voice chorused, loud and authoritative as I heard his footsteps draw near.

But it was too late, because I was already going, my eyes closing and my breathing faint as my legs gave out beneath me. The last thing I felt was a cushion that couldn't have been the floor, and an electric zap traveling throughout my entire body with ease, lighting my senses on fire as it all went black.


Recap: Sophie leaves the library after the bell rings, packing her books delicately into her bag. She leaves the library, only to find Stina, Valin, and Maruca waiting for her like predators. They accompany her down the hall (much to Sophie's discouragement) and as soon as they turn the corner, when they're out of sight from teachers, they pounce. They beat Sophie up, dealing her blows to the head, stomach, and spine. Towards the end of the chapter a voice calls out to leave them alone. Sophie only manages to distinguish that it's a boy's voice before she collapses, landing on an unnaturally soft surface that cradles her. The last thing she feels is a certain electricity running through her bones before it all goes black.

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