Final Author's Note

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WELCOME TO MY FINAL AUTHOR'S NOTE! THE LAST EVER. In this edition, we'll be taking a look at many things regarding the book. This edition includes a Q&A, consideration of bonus chapters, feedback/reviews, my final notes, etc. Thank you so much for reading!

NOTE : Some might call this a farewell. It kind of is, if you think about it. But I'm choosing to think of this as more of a see you next time. I'm hoping that some of you will choose to continue this journey with me, even if it is on my other account as well.

It's kind of crazy. This book has taken a little more than a year to write, and it's sad to think that it's over. No more waking up Saturday mornings posting a chapter or reading a chapter. I think what I'll personally miss the most is interacting with everyone. You all are my world, my Wings, and I'm going to miss you so much it hurts.

FEEDBACK : If you don't comment anywhere else in this entire page, I would appreciate if you could comment inline here and tell me  your thoughts

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FEEDBACK : If you don't comment anywhere else in this entire page, I would appreciate if you could comment inline here and tell me your thoughts. This is to improve my writing so that next time I can hopefully deliver even better than before. Thank you so much for your participation:)

How did you originally find my books/my account?

What have I done wrong? How can I fix it? Be blunt.

Were there any chapters/scenes you felt were useless?

What are characters you think would have been better if more developed?

What part of the plot would you have changed if you were the writer?

Overall, how would you review this story?

What was your favorite chapter?

What did you love most about Sophie and Keefe's relationship? What did you dislike the most?

What was your favorite part of the story?

Q & A : Thank you to everyone who sent in a question(s)! These sorts of things aren't possible without you. Also, I'm so, so sorry that this is so long. I kind of ran out of time to make it more concise due to an onslaught of last minute questions, haha. I also didn't have time to make sure I didn't type something strange like hours instead of ours (I caught myself doing that once for some odd reason) but I normally self-edit so hopefully it'll be fine.

How did you discover KOTLC?

I haven't really talked about it on this platform, but for a very long time now I've been much more into writing than reading. In fact, I hadn't read a book that I really liked reading in a very long time. I remember I was in a bookstore, a smaller one I think, and I just picked the first book in the series off of the shelf because it was a long fantasy book (I like those – probably stems from my love of the Heroes of Olympus series) and it looked interesting. I bought it. I don't buy books very often, but I like to think of it as my miracle buy. I picked the perfect book. I read it so fast and fell in love with Shannon Messenger's writing style in the series. It was the only thing I have truly loved that I've read in a very, very long time.

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