45 | Commitment

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I've decided (based on feedback from my followers) that I should space out the last few chapters. I've already written everything so there will be no delays. All chapters will be uploaded Saturday, probably not before 10, but hopefully sometime in the morning. Either way, you'll get it that weekend.

Thank you guys for reading! I hope you enjoy. We only have four more chapters to go after this one, so cherish the last few we've got:) x

On Monday, I still felt like I was on cloud nine from finding out the Sophie was cancer-free

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On Monday, I still felt like I was on cloud nine from finding out the Sophie was cancer-free. The kissing definitely hadn't hurt either. At all. I felt like I could float through school and nothing could ruin my day.

For the most part I did – until lunch with my friend group. I had something on my mind that I wanted to bring up and that I wanted advice on. Specifically from Dex, but Biana was going to have a field day while I was at it. Sophie had bailed to study some subjects she needed to catch up on, insisting that I go sit with my friends because she was fine on her own.

"What's up, guys," I say casually, sitting down as though I wasn't nervous for this.

Fitz nods in my direction, Tam looks at me before averting his eyes, Biana blows me a kiss before being elbowed by Tam, Marella just flips her air and gives me a peace sign, and Linh is too lost in Wylie's eyes to realize I've said something. The two had found out that they were each other's soulmates just in the past month, and they were definitely good at being a couple and looking like they were in love, that's to say the least. Seeing another pair of soulmates together in my friend group is always a little bit jarring for me – a reminder that as we grow up, we normally end up pairing off. And that we're growing up, mostly.

Biana looks back at me for some reason, then doing a double take. "Keefe, you look like you're about to find the nearest helicopter and jump out of it if you haven't already done that."

"She's right, you look abnormally happy," Tam agrees, wrinkling his nose before glancing at Biana.

"Spill it!" Marella demands from her place beside Fitz, where she's been ignoring him. It's blunt, and it gets me off guard. Sometimes I forget how well my friends know me.

"Sophie's cured," I start with enthusiasm and a matching grin, "and also, I kissed her and now I need advice."

I have to pity Bangs Boy when Biana lets out an ear-piercing screech at the news. "Oh my god! Keefe, that's so great! Now you guys can get married and ride off into the sunset together and have mini Keefosters!"

My brain needs some time to start working again after that, because boy was that overwhelming. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," I say, slightly flustered at the thought of having kids. I don't even know what college I'm going to, never mind kids.

Tam gives me an apologetic glance despite our mutual dislike for each other, as though it's his duty to make sure that Biana doesn't get too out of hand. Then he pulls her into his lap, whispering something in her ear. She looks back up at him with a pout and a certain gleam in her eye, whispering something back that makes him stiffen and give her a kiss on the forehead. He looks like he's about to start blushing, all flustered. I know whatever just happened, Biana won that.

Seventeen | Soulmate AU | ✔Where stories live. Discover now