Chapter One

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Jack's P.O.V.


The breeze is one of my favorite things. Don't tell the wind that, it carries me where I want, and need, to go. The breeze doesn't make me fly but, it's gentle and peaceful. No matter the mood I am in, the breeze inspires me to go have fun with the kids nearby.

That's where I am now....well I'm in the middle of a snowball fight. I'm in a place called Arendelle and I love it here! All of the children can see me and they have great arms for snowballs! I was behind a snow fort when two men in uniforms came up to me. They see me?! They grabbed me by the arms and told me that I was under arrest. Why? I'm having fun!! I guess they just don't like strangers.

"Woah woah woah, there has to be a mistake!" I said to the two men. I wasn't really concerned, because I can escape from ANY situation....usually.

"There has been a concern expressed from the parents of those children that a stranger would come and try to harm our kingdom." the first guard said, "it has happened before." They put handcuffs on me.

"I was just playing with the kids!" I still didn't see the problem.

"We know." they both said. They were taking me toward a castle, where I was to learn my fate. I then realized something, everyone can see me! I know that they don't know who I am,but they see me! Hm.... I'll think about this later.

We came to the first entrance of the palace and the doors opened automatically, like they knew I was coming. Ok.... now I feel a little nervous.

"When we enter the throne room, you must show respect." the first guard said. I'm guessing that the second guard doesn't talk much.

"Look down and now when we do."

"Ok...should I have a script or something? Hehe..." I was trying to lighten the mood! Don't judge me! I'm the Guardian of Fun for crying out loud!

"Don't speak unless spoken to." The first guard said harshly. I nodded then looked at my surroundings. The palace was very grand and VERY royal. When I saw the stairs my mouth dropped to the ground, they were huge! Huge as in long not wide or tall.....understand? Sorry if you don't, I can be confusing. I can just picture a sled riding moment down those stairs.

We all were walking very quietly, I guess palaces do that to ya. All of a sudden, I saw a door to my left that was decorated with a sort of ice design. I stopped to look at it when the second guard jabbed me in the ribs.

"Keep moving!" he said. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk. It felt like five more minutes of walking when we came to what I think is the throne room.

The two guards knelt down and made me do so as well. I looked at the ground, then back up. When I did so, I thought I was hallucinating because I'm certain I saw an angel. She has white hair pulled back into a complex bun, beautiful blue eyes, also a dark blue and black dress with longer sleeves. She did a hand motion and the guards and I rose to our feet. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her!

"Is this him?" she asked the guards.

"Yes my Queen, "they both answered. The beautiful angel looked at me and our eyes met.

"He doesn't look like the evil type of human being." She said as she turned to look at the guards once again.

"Neither did Prince Hans, Queen Elsa." spoke the second guard. Now I know the angel's name, Elsa. She looked at him quite seriously.

"What he means is, Prince Hans fooled all of us. We just want to be cautious." The first guard said trying to back up the second.

"Yes, and I understand your concern. Let's monitor him for a few days just to be safe." I realized what had just happened and looked around.

"I don't know what I did wrong! I was just having a little..." I threw a snowball that I made quickly at the angel named Elsa, "" Elsa wiped the snow from her shoulder and looked at me in horror and ran out the door. I was confused, what did I do now? The guards were not being as nice and basically shoved me into a jail cell. Trust me, I've been in a jail cell before...

I sat there for a while. Escaping is an option, but I'm not in a hurry. There wasn't any light except for the hallway light shining through the bars of the door. I decided to have a little fun.

To be honest, I enjoy art. Using my finger like a paint brush and using my powers for paint. The walls needed something anyway. I don't know how long I "ice painted" but it was long enough to where there was only one wall that was blank. All of a sudden, the door opened, and I froze. ( on words....get it? Nevermind.)

I then was looking at the queen, she came in. I didn't notice the guards until she told them to go. They were hesitant, but obeyed. I was still frozen. (If you haven't gotten the joke already, you're slow! Or I'm just not funny...) Elsa stared at my artwork.

"How is this here?!" she ran over to the back wall. Elsa stood there in shock. I didn't know what to do, she said nothing. I walked over to her, she still said nothing. It was like I wasn't even there.

"How?...." Elsa brought her hand up and touched the ice. She then say on the ground and tears fell down her face. I sat beside her. Not knowing what to do is an odd feeling for me. I haven't felt that I a while.

"This isn't me this time...please explain yourself." Elsa said after a moment. I was confused, but answered immediately anyway.

"My name is Jack Frost and I'm the G--"

"Guardian of Winter and Fun," finished the queen. Wha?! Now I'm really confused.

"How did you? You know about me?" I asked her.

"Well I can see you so of course I do. I just wanted you to say it so that I know my suspicion was true." She grinned for a second then looked down.

"That's another thing that I need explained, how can everyone see me?" This question has been burning in the back of my mind until this moment.

"There have been events in Arendelle's past that....well... make people believe easier."

"Events? Like wha-?"

"I don't want to talk about our kingdom's history to a complete stranger." answered Elsa sharply.

"Well I'm not a complete stranger right? You know who I am obviously." I grinned, trying to make the angel smile a little....she didn't look at me.

"If you want information then please go to the library or book store down the street." She forgot something. I'M IN A JAIL CELL!!!

"Am I free to go then?" I asked.

"You will be under probation for a few days, but you will not know which days those are, so we know about what your personality more accurately." Elsa then was in business mode and any emotion she had earlier was gone. That scared me a little, but it also intrigued me. Why would someone want to purposely block out emotion like that? I wanted to lighten the mood, but then thought that it wouldn't be a good idea. I'm in a jail cell because of a similar action.

"Just do is all a favor Jack." Elsa said before she left, " Don't let anyone know you have powers, or your sentence will be worse." The door of my cell shut abruptly after that.

I waited about five minutes or so until I was released. I need a place to stay, but first I need to find Arendelle's history.

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