2. Lutteo - Unexpected present

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Author's Note: Hi, girls! Welcome to the second part of Luna and Matteo's journey with having kids. :) Next week you can look forward for Nina and Gastón. This will be just one chapter, but Luna and Matteo are a special couple;) I hope you'll like it:)

-----2 months after the first chapter (4 years and 11 months after the end of season 3)-----

Matteo was very satisfied of his work. That day he recorded two new songs, it went better than well and he was very excited of coming home. He knew that Luna was waiting for him with dinner, so he hurried up, because he was already late.

He opened the door and spotted a light in the living room, so he assumed that Luna is watching some movie. He called with a smile on his lips. "Love, I'm home!"

After this he expected a squeal and Luna running for her life into his arms. But Luna didn't respond. Matteo thought: That's weird. Did something happen to her? Is she ill?

Worry came over him immediately. He called once again. "Luna?" No response.

Now was Matteo at the edge of panicking. He rushed to the living room and called softly and quietly. "Luna!" And then he saw her.

She was lying on the couch, with her head rested on her arm and she was asleep. Matteo noticed that on TV was going some telenovela. He turned it off.

Matteo smiled at his sleeping beauty and kissed her gently on the forehead. Then, he gently lifted her up bridal style and carried her to bed. He was re-playing the moments of the past four weeks, while he was carrying her to bed.

Luna was very tired lately, she started going to bed earlier than before and she started eating things that she hated in the past. When he told her worriedly, she shrugged and replied. "People change their tastes through their life. And I have lots of work these days, it's nothing, don't worry."

But Matteo started getting suspicious. He was afraid that maybe she got some illness and now she's not feeling well.

He opened the oven and found there his favourite Italian pasta. After they moved in this house, Luna developed her skills for cooking and started to be very passionate about it. 

When Matteo finished his dinner, he suddenly heard a terrible scream that made his blood stiffen. His eyes widened and he sprinted to the bedroom. 

When he finally got there, Luna was breathing heavily, tears were running down her face and she called. "Matteo!" She sounded desperate. Matteo turned the light on and kneeled in front of her.

"Luna, what's wrong? I am here, don't worry." Luna released a sigh of relief. "Oh my God, Matteo, I had a terrible dream." She rested her head on his shoulder. Matteo asked. "What was it about?" Luna sniffled. "Something was wrong and you left me. It was terrible." Matteo hugged her. "Luna, you know, it was just a nightmare. I would never leave you, I love you and I am always here for you." Luna smiled.

Then she asked. "How did I get to bed? I don't remember walking there." Matteo smiled. "You fell asleep on the couch, so I carried you to bed." Luna smiled. "Thank you. Oh, how did it go at work?" Matteo smiled proudly. "We recorded two new songs. Just a few more and the album is out."

Luna cheered. "That's amazing! I'm very proud of you. Oh yeah, I left the dinner in the oven, it's your favourite food." Matteo smiled. "I know, I have eaten it already, because I thought that you would continue sleeping. Thank you for cooking my favourite meal." Luna smiled. "You're welcome. I'll go eat the delicious dinner that I have prepared and then we'll go to sleep." Matteo nodded and aplogized. "Okay. I'm sorry, I thought that you dined before I came." "It's fine. But you should have known that, I wouldn't start eating without you."

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