43. Dazmín - Lead you out

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Author's Note: Hi, everyone! Today we're going to look at the future of Jazmín and her husband Daniel. We can celebrate now, because the suffering of giving birth is over now. From next week we will live together with our favourite characters their lives with having children. Next week you can look forward to Lutteo chapter (It's going to be a little shorter than usually and about ten years later) :) Enough for today, enjoy today's part :)

-----13 years and 7 months after the end of season 3-----

Jazmín was complaining the whole day about how tired she feels. She couldn't sleep at night because of the backache that was afflicting her in every position. She stated.

"I'm really looking forward to giving birth, because I can't take it any longer." Daniel had looked up from his tablet, an amused smile playing on his lips.

"Jazmí, when you're in labour, you won't comprehend how could you say that you were looking forward to it. I'm sure that you'll be praying for Damian to stay in your belly for a little longer." He pointed out, feeling satisfied with himself.

Jazmín sighed and carressed her big nine month pregnant baby bump. She was three days before the due date. "You're probably right. But I will be really relieved when Dami is out of my belly, because I want to dress fashionably again. And I'll be able to wear high heels again. I'm definitely looking forward to that."

Daniel smiled and shook his head. He was with Jazmín for too long to know her. He was probably the only person who didn't mind her craziness and brutal honesty. It was actually one of the things he loved the most about her.

Jazmín had decided that she would make herself a cup of tea, so she stood up and headed to the kitchen. She heard Daniel calling at her attentively. "Be careful, honey. I can do it for you instead."

In that moment Jazmín popped up in the door frame with a big smile. "Oh, thank you, Danny. But I can do it by myslef." And she disappeared in the kitchen.

Soon enough, she took the sugar to put it into the tea, when her belly was attacked by a sudden unknown intense pain. The sugar basin fell to the floor when Jazmín held her belly and screamed, surprised. "Ouch!"

Daniel had jumped up from the couch and hurried to the kitchen, alarmed. When he got there, he found Jazmín holding onto the kitchen counter and taking deep breaths.

He approached her, asking. "Jazmí, what happened? Are you alright?" The worry in his voice was almost touchable.

Jazmín looked up at him and said shakily. "I don't know..." She trailed off. The pain arrived once again, even more powerful than before.

Before she knew it, she was sat to the kitchen table and Daniel disappeared in a hurry. She called after him. "Dan, where are you? I need you here!" She yelled in terrible pain again.

Few seconds later she felt Daniel's strong arm hugging her. He said. "Come on, Jazmí. We'll go to the hospital." Jazmín widened her eyes in shock. "Right now?"

Daniel nodded. "Right now." Jazmín couldn't understand. "But why?" Daniel had sighed before responding. His wife was sometimes really slow.

"Jazmín, you're in labour. Don't you realize?" She blinked. And then it hit her. "Oh my God, Danny! We have to hurry! I don't want to give birth in the car."

Daniel helped her to stand up, while saying. "Of course you won't be giving birth in car! We'll get there in time."

They got to the car and headed to the hospital. Jazmín was feeling miserable, her belly was hit by the contractions with still shorter intervals.

Daniel was trying his best to support her, but Jazmín didn't listen. The pain was so strong that Jazmín couldn't perceive the time anymore.

Suddenly, the car stopped and Jazmín felt herself being placed onto the wheelchair. She groaned frustratedly. "Oh no, I look like an old woman now."

Daniel disagreed with her. "No, you don't. You're about to give birth, it's normal."

The fare with the lift was too long for Jazmín's liking. She was huffing in pain all the time and no matter what Daniel said, it couldn't stop her from being so terrified of giving birth.

Her belly hit another wave of contractions, now so powerful that Jazmín started crying. Daniel rushed over with her to the maternity department.

-3 hours later-

Jazmín's water still didn't broke even though her contractions almost never left her in peace. Daniel was watching her and his heart was breaking into pieces when he saw his wife suffering as much.

He couldn't hold it any longer, so he suddenly bursted out at the doctors. "You will let her suffer even more? That's too much, we've been there for three hours and you still didn't do anything."

The doctor said, absolutely unimpressed. "Sir, your wife's water still didn't break, which means that the baby can't be born yet."

In that moment Jazmín whimpered. "Dami, get out of me as soon as possible, because I can't do it any longer."

Her face was ruined with sweat, her body was shaking of exhaustion and she didn't even start pushing yet. Daniel kissed her forehead lovingly and embraced her to a hug. "Shhh. It's going to be fine."

Jazmín opened her tired eyes and asked. "When?"

Before he could respond, she bent forward, her body tensed in convulsion. Daniel's heart was beating fast, he didn't know what to do anymore.

In that moment the doctor said. "It seems like you're ready to give birth, Mrs. Patiño - Carvajal." Daniel looked at the doctor with eyes wide open.

"Didn't you say that we need her water to break?" The doctor nodded. "Yes. But it looks like we'll have to break it by ourselves. Your wife is 32 years old, which means that women at this age can't let their water break normally."

Jazmín sounded offended. "So you mean I'm too old?" She exclaimed. Daniel tried to shush her. "Of course not. Calm down, love."

The doctor grabbed the syringe and few moments later Jazmín felt a warm liquid leaving her belly. She couldn't even adjust to the feeling, since in that moment the most powerful contraction arrived and Jazmín had no other option than to push.

She let out a terrible scream and pushed again. After few more pushes she suddenly felt her body relaxing. She felt empty, so she asked. "Where is our baby boy?"

Daniel blinked away the tears of happiness and kissed her on the lips lovingly. "He's over there. Damian is healthy. You made it, it's over. I'm so proud of you, you were so brave. I love you."

Jazmín's eyes welled up with tears. "I love you too." Then she took her newborn son to her arms and felt stunned immediately.

He looked like his daddy, but with Jazmín's brown hair. She smiled at him and said. "Hello, my little one. I'm always going to be there for you. Don't worry, I'm going to dress you fashionably. You'll be the most handsome boy. Well, you already are."

She felt so tired that she didn't even say anything to Daniel. She fell asleep and Daniel took the boy to his arms. "Hello, Damian. I'm your dad. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. We'll face everything together. We'll always lead you out of the darkness, if it's neccessary."

This promise he decided that he would never break.

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