23. Simbar - The lucky one

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Author's Note: Hi, everyone! It's terrible how the time passes, two weeks of holidays are already gone, but don't think about that, I've got for you another chapter about Simón and Ámbar to distract you :) I hope you'll like it :)

-----11 years after the end of season 3-----

Ámbar was sitting on a couch in the living room and was eating her third plate of meal in the past three hours. When the last bit of her meal dissapeared in her, she smiled satisfiedly and placed one hand over her growing belly. 

"Are you satisified, my gourmand? You would all day just eat. But I can't do that, because if I do, I soon won't be able to walk through the door. You remind me of your dad, he loves eating, especially if it's spicy, because he just loves Mexican food. 

I'm really curious if you're a boy or a girl, but luckily we're going to find out tomorrow." Then she heard a noise of shutting door. "Looks like your daddy is finally home." 

She smiled and looked at the door. And really, soon Simón's tall figure popped up in the door frame. He had searched with his eyes through the whole room, until his gaze finally landed on Ámbar. He smiled satisfiedly and walked over to her.

He had kissed her on her forehead while he was whispering. "Hello, darling. How have you two been all day?" 

Ámbar smiled. "Hi, my love. We've been great, eating all day. I think that soon I'm going to be fat." She tried to joke, but Simón noticed that she was really afraid of that. So he took her hand into his and looked her deeply in the eyes.

"Ámbar, you are never going to be fat. It's obvious that you will gain some weight, but you'll grow slim very quickly again. Besides, for me you'll always stay perfect, I hope you know that."

Ámbar smiled. "Thank you, Simón, it's lovely. How did it go at studio? Have you recorded some new songs?" Simón's eyes lit up, when Ámbar mentioned new songs and he started explaining. 

"Yes, Nico had an great idea, so we recorded a new song, but there is still some work left. Pedro is talking all day about his twins, Nico would never stop rambling about Olivia and how he would love to have a second baby and I'm there the only one left, who still doesn't know, what it feels like when you're a dad." He smiled softly.

Ámbar placed one hand over his. "Luckily, you don't have to wait that long. You'll find out soon. And tomorrow thanks to the ultrasound we're going to detect, if we're having a boy or a girl."

Simón nodded and his face lit up with excitement. "Yes, that's true. I'm really excited, I need to know now." Then he thought about it for a while and added. "Which gender do you think that our baby is? A girl or a boy?"

Ámbar laughed and said. "I don't know, Simón. I don't want to predict anything, in case I'm not right, but I have a feeling that it's a boy." Simón seemed to be interested in the conversation. "A boy? Really? Why do you think so?"

Ámbar shrugged. "I can't explain it. I just sense it." Simón laughed. "What if our little one is a girl?" She smiled. "Then I'm happy too. What about you?"

Simón blushed. "I'm sure that I'm going to love either boy or girl the same, but I always wished a girl for the first child. But it doesn't matter if we're expecting a boy, I'm happy in case the baby is healthy."

Ámbar nodded in agreement. "You're right, because none of us can influence this. We have to wait and then we'll see." Simón smiled. "Exactly. I love you, Ámbar." She smiled. "I love you too."

They shared  a soft kiss before heading to bed.

-Next day-

Ámbar was combing her hair in front of her mirror when she noticed that Simón was finally awake. She turned to him with her brightest smile. "Hello, Simón. Honey, get out of the bed, today is a special day."

Simón laughed and joked. "Yes, I know. We're going to buy you a new dress, if I can remeber well." Ámbar dedicated him a death glare. "Simón." 

He laughed and quickly said. "Of course that I know that we have the second ultrasound today. It surprises me that you're awake." He pointed out. Ámbar sighed. "I couldn't sleep of excitement." She admitted.

Simón had gotten up of the bed and walked to her. "It seems to me that you experience this way more than you can admit, darling." He started peppering her neck with kisses. Ámbar giggled. "You have to calm down a little, daddy, it's inapropriate to act like that in front of our baby."

Simón opened his mouth, ready to protest, but Ámbar didn't allow him to speak, because she continued. "And get ready, after we're finished at the doctor we have to go buy new larger clothes. My baby bump is too big now that I can't fit in my clothes."

Simón nodded, but remarked. "As you wish. Ámbar, you know that it's not inapropriate for parents to show their love in front of their children. The parents give their children the first sample of love, which is really important, because it forms children's character. It's important to teach them how to express their feelings and just because your godmother was cold-hearted, doesn't mean that you have to act like her in front of your baby. Both you and I know that you're not like her." He said sincerely.

Ámbar carressed his cheek. "I was joking, Simón. Don't be so serious. I think that now I'm revealing way more of my feelings than I used to, and I really don't think that with the arrival of our little one it is going to change."

Simón kissed her lips. "You're amazing, darling." She laughed. "You too. Come on, we have to go."

-Few minutes later-

Simón was sitting beside Ámbar in the waiting room, but he was playing with his thumbs of nervousness. Ámbar noticed it, but decided not to comment it. Soon, their name was called. "Mrs. and Mr. Álvarez, come in, please!"

Ámbar reached for Simón's hand and he gently squeezed it. Then they walked hand in hand to the office. When they sat down, the doctor greeted them. "Good morning, Mrs. and Mr. Álvarez. I have good news for you. Your baby is healthy and is developing like he or she should." She smiled at them and continued.

"So, I guess that we can look closer at your baby, shall we?" Ámbar smiled and lied down. Simón kissed gently her hand.

They turned their attention to the monitor. Soon, there popped up an silhouette of their small baby. Simón's eyes started watering at the sight. Ámbar smiled and whispered to Simón. "See? Our baby is healthy, and also bigger and taller than before."

Simón nodded. "Hopefully."

The doctor commented it. "Yes, your baby is now going to be bigger and is going to gain weight more by now. Do you want to know the gender or do you want to keep it a secret?"

Simón and Ámbar exchanged a quick look, Simón then nodded and Ámbar said. "Tell us, please. We're very curious, plus my husband thinks that it's a girl, but I mean that we're having a boy."

The doctor had smiled and nodded. Then she turned her full attetion to the screen. "Let me see. It is...Yes, it's very clear. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Álvarez, you're expecting an healthy baby boy!"

Ámbar smiled and looked intently at her shocked husband. "Simón, don't take it so seriously. We're having a son, and he's healthy! Aren't you happy?"

Simón laughed and said. "Of course that I am happy, I'm just surprised. Now I'm sure that it's really happening, until now I had a feeling that I was dreaming. Thank you, Ámbar, I'm really happy that we're having a son. A son! It's a beautiful word, and even more beautiful person and I don't know him yet!

This feeling is so overwhelming. I'm going to be a dad of a boy! I'm the luckiest man ever!" He laughed and kissed Ámbar. She was just smiling unstoppably.

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