Author's Note 1

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Hello everyone, who decided to read my second fanfiction! There are lots of things that I want to tell you today.

1. Thank you so so much for reading, voting, commenting and enjoying Miracles of Love. I have never taken your support for granted, so I want to say a massive thank you to all of you. It means a lot to me.

2. Because I really care about your opinions, I would like to know which couples from below would you like to read about next week. I couldn't decide, which couple to pick, so choose any that you like. Let me know in the comments and as always, I'll be glad for answers :)

So, choose any that you like from these options :

1. Yamiro

2. Pelfi

3. Dazmín

Requests are closing on Tuesday, as usual, so be fast :)

3. The results and the couple, for which will most of you wish, I will sum up in Author's Note 2 that will be posted on Wednesday (15. 3. 2019).

That's everything I wanted to tell you today. So let me know, which of these couples would you like to read about next week and have a nice day. :)

Lots of love, health, happines and passion for reading:)

Yours, Eli

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