21. Yamiro - The mens' wish

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Author's Note: Hi, girls! Welcome to a brand new chapter about Yam and Ramiro :) I wish to all of you perfect holidays and summer time :) And enjoy today's chapter :)

-----13 years and 4 months after the end of season 3-----

Yam was looking intently at the picture from her last ultrasound of her and Ramiro's baby. She smiled at the memory of completely speechless Ramiro when he first saw their baby on the screen. 

That day Yam and Ramiro had another doctor's appointment. Yam was already four months pregnant, that meant that they were going to find out if their baby was a boy or a girl. Yam always wanted a boy as the first baby, but then again, she imagined herself playing with her little daughter with the dolls and suddenly she felt torn.

But a noise of shutting door interrupted her in thoughts. She smiled when she had recognized a voice of Ramiro. "Hello, beautiful! How are you and our little son today?" He placed a soft kiss into her hair.

Yam smiled victoriously. "Hi, Ramiro. We're good, but I have a question for you. How can you assume that we're having a boy? It can be a girl, the chances are high."

Ramiro had chuckled and then sighed. "How do I know it? I don't know. I'm just praying for a boy." Yam observed. "Why do you care so much about it? A girl is as good as a boy." She finished, getting angry.

Ramiro said. "Of course that a girl is not worse than a boy, Yam, don't be so easily offended! You can call me old fashioned, but I always wanted a boy as the first child, because only by a boy can continue my surname. It's the wish of every man to have a son. And I'm the only man in our family." He finished, feeling ashamed of his wish.

Yam smiled and interwined her fingers with his. That made Ramiro look up. "I understand you, I know that this is for all men really important, although I don't understand why. I think that you would be an amazing dad for a girl. Don't worry Rami, if it's not a boy for the first try, it will be for the second one."

Ramiro smiled. "Thank you, Yam. You always know what to say to make me feel better. Anyways, if it's a girl, I'm happy too. A girl is always so sweet and I'm not. I keep my feelings to myself, that's why I also think that I would be a better father for a boy."

Yam laughed. "That's true. But you'll be an amazing father anyways, if it is a boy or not."

Ramiro smiled. "Did I mention that I love you?" Yam smiled and shrugged playfully. Ramiro then leaned in and kissed her passionately. After they pulled away, Yam said lovingly. "I love you, Ramiro." His smile was brighter than the sun.

-One hour later-

Ramiro was pacing around the waiting room of Yam doctor's office. Yam smiled and told him. "Ramiro, relax. It's not like we're fighting for our lives."

Ramiro turned to her with still unreadable facial expression. "That's typical Yamila. When you are nervous I have to do impossible to make you feel better, but when I'm nervous, you're laughing at me!" He spilled out.

Yam got only annoyed by his attitude. "I'm not laughing at you, I'm actually trying to help you."

Ramiro sighed. "Forgive me, love, please. I'm too curious that I can't breathe." He added. That was enough for Yam.

She got up, holding her baby bump, which was  now visible, and walked to him. She held his hands when she said. "Rami, I understand you, but you have to calm down. None of us can influence this. Whether it's a boy or girl, still it is our baby, who is half you and half me, which means the best baby ever." She finished with an encouraging smile.

Ramiro smiled and hugged her. "Thank you, Yam. I just really want to know." Yam nodded. "Yes, me too. But soon we'll find out."

In that moment the doctor called. "Mrs. Ponce, come in!" Ramiro looked at Yam, panicking again. Yam grabbed his hand and said calmly. "Let's go." Ramiro had looked at her and then slowly nodded.

While they were walking through the door, Ramiro whispered. "I don't know why, but every time when I have to go to this office, I'm feeling week and like the worst coward ever."

Yam laughed by his statement and said. "Don't say this, it's not true. You are a very brave man. Speaking of that, will you handle being present by the birth of our baby? I can't be there alone." She looked at him nervously. Ramiro could guess that she was afraid that he could say no.

Ramiro breathed in and said. "I'm going to try my best to handle it. But you'll be in so much pain, I can't see you suffering. But I don't want to miss the arrival of our baby, so...You can count on me." Yam smiled lovingly. "Thank you, it means a lot to me."

The doctor smiled and said. "Hello, I have a good news for you, Mrs. and Mr. Ponce. Your baby is very healthy as the last bloodtest showed. So, can we look at your baby?"

Yam smiled and said. "Yes, please." Ramiro and Yam both looked waitingly at the screen. And soon, there popped up a fuzzy silhouette of their baby.

Ramiro smiled and commented. "It seems to me that our little one has grown up." Yam nodded with tears of happiness in her eyes. "Yes, I think so too. He or she definitely has longer legs and arms."

The doctor nodded in agreement. "Yes, Mrs. Ponce, you're right. Do you want to know the gender or do you want to keep it a secret?"

Yam looked at Ramiro, who said. "Please, tell us, I can't wait another minute more. I need to know. I hope you agree, Yam?" She smiled and said. "Of course, I feel like I'm going to explode of curiosity."

The doctor concentrated and looked at the screen in deep thoughts. "Hmmm, let me see. It seems to me... No, it's very clear... Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Ponce, you're expecting an healthy baby boy!"

Yam choked on her tears and whispered. "A boy." She carressed her belly and looked amorously at Ramiro, whose face lit up with the brightest smile that she has ever seen on his face.

He shouted. "Yes! I'm so happy, so proud! Oh my God, we're having a son! A son." He repeated with teary eyes. Yam  nodded.

When they exited the room, Ramiro couldn't handle his feelings anymore. He lifted Yam from the ground and hugged her tightly. "Thank you, Yam, thank you! I'm so happy. What is wrong with me? I'm too sentimental!"

He leaned down and connected his lips with Yam's. Then he got on his knees and for the first time ever spoke up to their baby boy.

"Hello, my little fighter. It's me, your dad. Can you hear me? We're very happy that we have you. I can't wait to meet you, son. Wow, a son. I'm trying to get used to the fact that you're real and a boy. I mean, it all seemed too good to be true and I have been waiting for this moment to come, to become a father, for so long. I just want you to know that both me and your wonderful mommy love you so much. Be a good boy and we'll meet each other properly in five months time."

When Ramiro looked up, he blushed immediately. He was taken aback by the loving, sweet and tender smile and tears leaving Yam's eyes. He asked worriedly. "What happened? Did I say or do something wrong?"

Yam shook her head and carressed his cheek. "What? No, you didn't! Quite the opposite actually. What you said was so nice that it made me think of how lucky I actually am that I can call you my husband and the father of my baby. You'll be an amazing dad." She said with so much respect that Ramiro had to smile and averted his eyes shyly.

"Thank you Yam." But then he continued with his cocky smile. "Where did these words come from? You don't say these things out loud often."

This was Yam's turn to be shy. "I always think them, but I say them out loud only when I'm sure that you won't be so satisfied with yourself. And since I'm pregnant, I'm way more sensitive."

Ramiro smiled softly. "Yeah, I noticed. But don't be shy, Yam, we're in this together. I'm going to help you with everything, I promise. I love you, angel." Yam smiled with her most beautiful smile, so Ramiro felt like she was 17 again. "I love you too, Rami."

When Ramiro coped the distance between them and pressed his lips onto hers, there existed only the three of them.

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