45. Gastina - Always with you

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Author's Note: Hi, everyone! Welcome to a new chapter about Gastón, Nina and their children. Christmas are nearly there, so I wish to all of you to enjoy this wonderful time, have fun and do what you love the most. Next week you can look forward to Jico chapter. And also enjoy today's part ;)

-----14 years and 7 months after the end of season 3-----

Gastón was coming back from work after a long day. He couldn't wait to come home and see Nina and their two amazing kids.

He had opened the door and walked in. When he entered the kitchen, he had to smile when he noticed Nina smiling proudly while teaching their five years old son Louis how to read. She said. "And this is w. Will you read this word to me, Lou?"

The little boy nodded and started reading the word out loud. "To-mor-row. Tomorrow." He said happily. Nina lit up. "Well done, sweetheart. I think that from now you can read the fairytale book on your own."

Louis exclaimed excitedly. "I can?" Gastón laughed. "Of course you can, Louis. You're a bright boy, you can now read on your own anything you want."

Nina looked up from the text book with surprise in her eyes. "Gastón, hi. I didn't realize you were coming."

Gastón joked. "Hey, stop acting like I was a guest in my own house." Nina had smiled and said. "I didn't mean it like that."

Gastón's laugh echoed through the room. "I know you didn't. Come here." He embraced her to a hug and placed a tender kiss to her hair.

In that moment they heard a happy squeal. "Daddy!" Gastón had turned around and his lips formed a soft smile when he noticed their two year old daughter Amalia standing in the door frame.

He said. "My little princess, I'm happy to see you. Come to daddy." She started to run on her little legs to him and soon enough she was lifted by Gastón to the air. 

He stroked her long brown hair and kissed her on her cheek. "How have you been all day, love?" He asked with interest noticable in his voice. The little girl smiled and said. "I played with dolls. And mommy said that you will read me a fairytale to sleep."

Gastón smiled and pulled her closer to him. "That's for sure." Gastón then turned to Louis, still holding Amalia in his arms. 

"And what about you, champion? How was your day?" Louis had looked up at Gastón, his brown eyes, which he inherited from Gastón, were a little bit bigger behind his glasses.

"I was fine. Me and Leo won the race on the scooters. And Olivia was quite good too, but she wasn't as good as us." Gastón smiled proudly at his son. 

"That's great news, Louis! I noticed that you like scating on scooter." Louis nodded. "Yes. But what do you mean with this?" He asked, confused.

Gastón had placed Amalia back on her feet and stroked his son's brown hair lovingly. "Well, I think that you could start learning how to do it professionally. I'm sure you would be great and you need some kind of sports activity. I know that roller skating has kind of come out of fashion, but this is great too and very similar.

Or if you want to do football, I have no problem with it. Just say what would you like the most." He stated encouragingly. Louis asked and caught both of his parents off guard by that, because his question was very coherent in comparism to his young age.

"But dad, what about my glasses? What if they break? And I don't want to do sports, I like playing with cars and reading books better."

Gastón and Nina exchanged a surprised look. Gastón then smiled and responded. "Lou, no one said you won't be able to do so. We want you to do what makes you happy, but also, to try new things. I'm very proud of you that you can read before you go to school and I'm really happy that you like it, because it's important.

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