Never Be The Same

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A few days later.

Everything had went back to normal with Antonio. Only problem was I wasn't the same, emotionally I felt still a slight disconnect and I didn't know if it was because of him or because of the message I last sent Shawn. I just brushed everything to the back of my mind and I focused on making it work with him and be the same girl that he fell in love with.

Even if it meant losing myself?

We were at a dinner with one of his many painter friends, I felt so out of place as I didn't know much about the painting world just that I was dating one. I didn't see art the way they all did and they made sure to remind me of my apparent short comings in the nicest of ways apparently. As i stood by Antonio's said as he engaged in countless conversations with people who came over to him, i was already on my three champagne and i was bored out of my mind.

I felt his fingers dig into my waist as he pulled my closer to him.

"Try not to look so bored with yourself Bella."

He whispered in my ear as his friends left to go to the rest of the party.

I winced at the tight grip he continue to hold around my waist as i try to create a small space between us.

"Dont make a show, try not to disrespect these hard working artist with your face of sheer boredom. Minimize the drinks before you get drunk and make a damn show." He said harshly in my ear as he removed the grip from my waist and he began to rub up and down my back.

It felt dark.

The way he touched me.

I was a little thrown off, i mean i know i was bored but i didn't think anyone else could see it as long as i nodded at the appropriate times, i didn't really speak unless spoken to, which was just about never.

Before either one of us could say anything another set of people came over towards him, when he removed his hand from the small of my back to shake their hands i took it as my opportunity to exit.

I lowly excused myself to the ladies room.

As i was walking away i felt his eyes burning a hole in the back of me.

I kept walking putting a little speed in my movements as i heard my thigh high heels clacking onto the marble ground.

Once i got into the ladies room i quickly found a stall and closed myself in it.

I felt the tears slipping from the sides and i didn't bother to stop them at this moment.

I needed to release all this tension and confusion one way or another.

I silently cried in the stall for a few more minutes very aware that i ruined my make up, But i didn't care.

Why was he acting like this?

What did i do wrong?

Was it me or him?

Before i could even begin to try to figure out i heard a hard knock on my stall door.

I turned the small knob and when i opened the door, there he stood.



His eyes were dark.

What did i do now?

A chill ran up my spine and i felt my hairs in the back of my neck stand.

I never felt this from him, this darkness like aura and it scared me honestly.

"Come out here Bella." He spoke so dark but calming as he opened the door wider from the outside to allow me to step out in front of the line of sinks. Two woman came out of their stalls and quickly looked over at the beautifully handsome man who was in the woman room. He gave them his charming smile as they couldn't peel their eyes off how good he looked in his white form fitting button up and his sleeves rolled up to his arms just right.

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