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Two Months Later.

I was in my cubicle getting ready for the day to be over, Steph was super busy today with new endorsements and that kept me on my feet running behind her and helping her with whatever she asked me to help me. Thankfully she kept me busy for the past two months because it made it easier for me to solely focus on myself and work.

After mine and Shawn's last encounter I really felt so badly about being such a bitch, and he was right all I did was run at every opportunity that scared me. I hated leaving how I did and I cried all the way to the airport, I even paid to have my flight changed for that day instead of Sunday morning. As I waited in the airport I kept checking my phone in hopes that he would have texted me or anything.

He didn't.

So I took it has were done,

whatever we had was done.

That made me cry so much more.

By the time I boarded the plane an older woman next to me felt so bad for me and she gave me a valium that helped me sleep the 5 hour flight.

When I got home I literally stalked over his Instagram and when he posted photos of new years eve, it was only of him and his friends.

I felt more tears coming out and I didn't even know why.

But when Monday came around I was back to normal and I moved through the work week like it was a breeze.

"Hey darling, thank you so much for today. You have been such a huge help actually the entire week. Drinks on me?" Stephanie said as she came to my desk and held out a wine bottle and two white foam cups.

"Your welcome, and sure." I said laughing and following her back to her office.

Her office had a huge facing window of the LA skyline and it was seriously to die for.

"Sit, sit lets drink and talk, cause you my dear you look like you need it." Steph said sliding into the ottoman chair nearest the window and tapping the one next to her that was divided between with a smaller end table.

"Oh, its that noticeable." I said covering my face.

She laughed and popped the wine open and pouring it into the white foam cups.

"You have a great poker face, I'm just better at smelling bullshit." She said handing me the cup and then clinking our cups and I took a slow sip.

I looked over at the skyline and I turned back to her with a half smile.

"Well I had may have messed up any chance I had with a guy I was really into. We had an amazing weekend during new years eve and I literally got up and left the morning after." I said trying to be careful with my words.

Steph sipped her wine and looked at me before she spoke.

"Well I mean has he contacted you? Or you him? I mean us woman we are complex especially when we have been hurt already by someone. Its always hard to let someone new in no matter how good they might be to us. But if you really feel in your heart that he might be worth it, contact him and say sorry as hard as it might be."

I looked at her and I knew she was right, but my stubborn pride wouldn't allow me too.

We talked for a hour more and then we went our separate ways.

Two Hours Later.

I got home and I kicked my shoes off as soon as I walked in the door because my feet were killing me and it was a Saturday and I just wanted to sleep.

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