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After a much needed shower and small crying session led by a nap I felt slightly better but not anything to promising. My nerves where still rattled by Antonio's message, and I needed a drink so badly.

I was sitting cross legged on my sofa drinking wine and watching old re runs of golden girls, I had called Rose and informed her I was home safe and sound and okay. She was going to spend the day with John and possibly the night, I assured I was okay being on my own as I needed to catch up on work. Once we hung up I quickly texted Shawn letting him know I was home, thanking him for an amazing night once again. He replied a hour later saying your welcome with a red heart, very short and simple I didn't care I wasn't really in much of a mood to talk anyway.

It was already 6 in the afternoon and I was starving I was waiting for my Chinese to come when I heard a low knock on my door. Hoping it was my Chinese I headed to the door to open it grabbing my wallet from the small nightstand by my front door.

The moment I opened my door I saw Antonio.

My heart quickly sunk to my feet.

"Hello Bella." He said with a small bit of rasp in it.

He sent chills down my spine, I instantly went to close my door but his foot stopped me from doing so and he light pushed the door open making me step back never leaving my eyes off him.

"Wha- what are you doing here?" Was all I could stutter. My mind was racing but my body was freezing slowly but so quickly at the Same time.

He stepped inside the apartment, closing the door behind him never breaking his eyes off me.

"This is still our apartment right? Or have you already moved that teen pop star in here? No, no he's to high class for this dump, isn't he princess?" The way he said princess made me want to throw up, he was drunk? Or something. whatever it was it was dark and I didn't want any parts of it.

How the hell did he get here?


"Leave Antonio, we broke up remember you made that very clear on your Instagram. What the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your new "princess" I'm a cunt and a hoe right." I said suddenly feeling a confidence and courage wash over me.

Stand up for yourself,

don't let him see you scared of him or fear of him.

He hurt you first!

He moved closer to me in bigger steps, but I kept moving till I was in my small kitchen. My back was pressed against my sink, he was outside of the entry way. He removed his jacket, and his hat, then his sweater.

"I can do as I please with whom I please Yvette. And when your not giving me what I crave I will go find it from another but you, Your MINES." He said pointing at me with a darkness in his eyes and his neck was pulsating.

He's getting mad or he already is.

How the hell dare he say he can do what he craves and I'm here's!

I'm not anyone's!

I looked at him intently feeling my own anger beginning to build but the fear was close beside it. My hands began to shake but I gripped them to the side of the sink behind me.

"So you think your going to leave me here and get on a plane and get to do whatever with whoever and I'm gonna allow it. Are you that fucking stupid!! I'm nobody's, I'm my own!" I shouted feeling the rage taking over my body.

With one large step it seemed, his hands were around my neck and he was chocking me. His grip was tight around my airway, I began kicking and clawing at him and trying to scream. He lifted me by neck like if I was paper and he slammed my entire body against the small wall beside me, banging my head instantly. My mind felt fuzzy and my eye seem to see double for a second, I could feel the air leaving my body and my neck being constricted like a boa was around my neck.

Fight back Yvette!

He's gonna kill you!

Remember when you witnessed this happening to your mom when you were ten years old and she fought to protect herself and you from your abusive step father.


And just like a rush came over me before I saw the white light. I pressed my foot on the wall and pushed myself off bringing me and him down to the ground, he let the hold of my neck go. I gasped for all the air I fear I would never see again and the tears came out of my eyes as I crawled away from him trying to get up but all the strength I used to push off the wall was now gone. I felt weak again. I felt his hands wrap around my leg dragging me to him and I started kicking him and grabbing for anything to defend myself from him, knocking over my garbage can and my news paper rack.

"You BITCH!" He growled pulling me with all his might by my sweats towards him.

"NOOO!" I yelled with the strength inside of me taking my small news paper rack and hitting his hands with them to release me from his hold. It worked for a second, that's all I had before he would either hurt me or kill me. I had to make it count I scooted back towards the living room and I got up running almost. I couldn't see anything my tears where blinding me and I was drawing blanks. Then he wrapped his arms around me tightly and he lifted me up off the ground.

"Your fucking mines and if I can't have you, nobody else will Yvette!" He growled in my ear kissing my earlobe.

He's fucking crazy!

I started crying uncontrollably and I threw my head back hard enough to meet his nose and I heard the crunch! He dropped me and yelled in pain. I landed on my feet and I ran away from him and turned to see him bent over blood all over the floor and he held his nose up and he looked at me with rage in his eyes.

"Your stupid bitch, I'll kill you!" He said charging at me and I remembered I had a bat in my small walkway closet and I felt for it and when he was a few steps away from I swung with all my might I left inside of me. Hitting him in his stomach. He felt over, landing in front of my feet. He was a crying mess now and I quickly hopped over him and went to run to my front door. I opened my door and as soon as I did I saw rose !

"Oh my god yvet—-!"

"Run rose!! Call the cops, he's trying to kill me!!" I yelled pulling my confused friend by the arm hard and running down the stairs.

"What's going on?!!!"
"Just run ROSE FUCK!!!!"

We ran down the three flights of steps and out the first door to my apartment building and then the main one.

"Call the cops rose, please dear god." I said behind my best friend never letting her hand go as she struggled to dial with one hand and run.

"Hello I need police, my friend was just attacked by her boyfriend and he's in the apartment. We're at Hollywood and vine."

I stopped running once we got to the end of the street because my adrenaline was wearing off and now I was a crying hurricane mess. I dropped to the floor letting rose go and I just cried on the pavement floor. My best friend came over to me wrapping her arms around me and just holding me.

"Their On the way." Was all she said as she just held me on the ground.

Consumed By You  |Shawn Mendes|Where stories live. Discover now