Mornings With You

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I woke up to the sounds of the morning tide coming in.

I truly did love that sound, it brought me the most peace and tranquility.

I did a small stretch as I looked behind me and I saw Shawn sleeping so peacefully, his slow breathing making his chest go up and down as his hand rested on his stomach.

I couldn't help myself as I just admired him for a few moments.

We were really here, together and it has never felt as right as it did this time around.

He turned his face towards me and I saw his beautiful flawless features as he slept.

I decided I wanted to make him breakfast in bed, so I slowly slid off the bed to make sure he didn't wake up. As I tipped toed away from the bed I bent down and grabbed my black silk baby doll nightie, slipping into it and then tying my hair up in a bun on the top of my head.

I took one last glance at Shawn before walking down the hall towards the kitchen area.

The sun was beginning to rise from under the beautiful ocean, giving a soft peak of light throughout the living room and the salt area was beginning to fill around the area as I passed. I stopped for a moment basking in the moment and it felt so surreal.

I got into the kitchen and I started looking in the huge fridge for something to make.

After a few moments I decided on pancakes and sausages with a fruit salad of strawberries, pineapples, and honey dew melons.

After getting everything I needed out and placing it on the counter, I got the small frying pan, and the griddle. I started working on the batter deciding to do it by hand instead of using the mixer. It took me about a solid four minutes to make sure there was no bubbles and it was smooth, once I was satisfied with how it looked, I sat it aside as I started working on cutting the fruits on the cutting board.

I always cooked for myself when I was home, but it was different cooking for someone else. That was something I never really did, Me and Antonio not to much because he would criticize everything or I did something terribly wrong and he would make sure I didn't forget it. But cooking for me was always a little form of an escape, and I liked to make everything seem as pretty and good as possible.

Pretty food, makes for a happy tummy.

I was just about done with putting the sliced fruits into a clear glass bowl to toss it lightly, I turned the flame on low on the stove letting the pans get hot enough for me to pour the batter and for me to put the sausages in to cook.

As I waited for that I turned the coffee maker on to start making coffee, I'm sure Shawn would want some with his breakfast.

I turned and I dropped a small amount of butter and heard the sizzle letting me know the pan was hot enough to put the batter on too it, so I did. Then I moved to place the sausage links onto the smaller pan with butter around it, placing a small pan and allowing them to cook. I flipped the medium sized pancakes, the aroma of coffee and the vanilla extract I used in the pancakes lightly was faintly mixed.

As I waited I poured myself a small cup of coffee, I took a small sip feeling the hot liquid meeting my lips as I looked out the small kitchen window that was over the sink. The sun sky was a light purple met with the blues of the morning sky coming out.

I headed back to the stove and I took out the two pancakes and I poured some more batter on the pan, then I checked on the sausages opening the lid and the aroma hit my nose and it smelled heavenly. I took the sausages out once they had a golden brown coating. placing them on a small flat plate to cool down, I turned the pilot off on the side of were the sausage pan was cooking. I went to flip the other two pancakes.

"Mornin' beautiful." I jumped at hearing his voice. I held my hand to my chest as I turned to face him.

"Jesus!" I huffed trying to catch my breath, he let out a small laugh as he ran his fingers through his hair. "You are supposed to be in bed." I pouted as I turned to turn the stove off and take the last two pancakes out and placing them on the plate.

"Whys that?" He asked as he sat down on the long island directly in front of me, rubbing his sleepy eyes looking at me with a smile.

He was shirtless and he looked so good even just waking up.

"Well I wanted to make you breakfast in bed." I said handing him a mug with coffee, and a plate  with two pancakes and sausage links. I turned over to make sure everything was off before grabbing my own plate and sitting across from him.

He looked over at me confused, "babe come." As he tapped the chair next to him.

I went over to sit next to him, once I got settled in he gave me a quick smile as he kissed my cheek.

"This smells amazing. Thank you." He took a sip of his coffee and he started to eat.

"Oh I forgot the fruit." I said hopping off the chair, he smacked my ass playfully as I ran around the island table to get the bowl of sliced fruits. I looked at him and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

I came back with the bowl and placed it in front of us, as I sat down.

Shawn was already almost done, I still had a whole half a pancake with one whole one left.

"Hungry much?" I joked as I began eating my pancakes.

He smiled with food still in his mouth, wiggling his eyebrows. He drank the last little of his coffee.

"Starving actually. I'll get the dishes babe, eat." He said taking his plate and mug and heading over to the sink.

As I ate I watched as he washed the pots, and his plate.

He looked so Domesticated it was kinda cute and weird at the same time, seeing him in a more normal environment.

"I love you, you know that?" I said lost in his whole aura.

He turned to face me and he had a huge smile of his face, he was already done with the dishes I guess, he folded his arms and he got stronger looking.

"I love you too."


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Consumed By You  |Shawn Mendes|Where stories live. Discover now