Is This Love?

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15 hours and one overnight flight later, I was in the same city as Shawn.

I was tired and beyond jet legged but I was happy.

Despite Shawn wanting to meet me at the airport I begged him not to, I didn't want anymore paparazzi photos or hell fans.

I decided to just take an Uber to his hotel.

This felt like deja vu all over again.

Back to London.

I quickly texted him once I got to the front entrance of the huge hotel. There were a few fans waiting out and I was happy none seemed to notice me as I quickly walked into the hotel.

Once I got in I saw Andrew already had taken care of everything. The male in the front desk just gave me my set of room keys and code pass for the private elevator.

The hotel was very classic looking but huge and respected their guest privacy tremendously.

I got into my room and placed my small suitcase at the edge of the bed, quickly removing my shoes and going to wash my hands and face after that long flight.

I decided on taking advantage of the huge crawl tub seeing as Shawn was doing some stuff and he would be back later on. I placed some complementary bath salts as the water raised, and once I stepped it the sensation of the warm water and the bath salts instantly made me relax.

I found myself drifting to sleep.


I felt his kisses on my forehead and shoulders before I saw him.

"Hey sleepyhead. You wanna get out of the tub before you turn into a prune?" He lowly spoke as he moved some hair away from my face and behind my ear.

I opened my eyes slowly as I saw the beautiful man in front of me.

He's hair seemed to have gotten a little longer as his loose curl practically covered his eye,

He jaw seemed to just become more sharper,

He smelled just as I remembered.

I couldn't help but have a small smile on my face.

"Your really here." I said touching his face to make sure I wasn't dreaming, he laughed a small laugh as he held on to my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Yes baby, I'm here. Now let's get you out your shivering." He said getting up and grabbing a towel and holding it out in front of him as I stood up and covered myself with it.

He walked into a small closet in the huge bathroom and grabbed a white fuzzy robe. He opened it for me to walk into it as he held it for me.

"Thank you." I said as I watched him make sure it was wrapped securely around me and he tied it.

He looked up at me and he smiled. Once he was done he stopped to just look at me before he cupped my face in his huge hands and our lips met.

It was everything I needed. Soft but firm with so much passion and urgency.

I found my arms around his waist just pulling us closer together.

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