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His condo was everything you could imagine and so much more. It was warm, cozy and very clean for a guys apartment. He had a lowly lit candle in the middle of his coffee table, and it smelled of French vanilla. The beautiful CN tower was the prefect type of background over the dark city, it was breathtaking for sure of a view in person. I understood why Shawn loved to take a picture of it so much and share with his fans.

"It's beautiful isn't? I can stare at the window for hours sometimes getting lost when I need a moment to myself." He said from me behind me. I looked over my shoulder at his frame as he hung back holding a glass cup in his hands and his other hand in his pocket.

"I can imagine." Was all I said as I turned back to the gigantic window, trying not to feel the nerves that were exploding in my body at the moment.

I couldn't believe I was really in his apartment right now, and that it was just me and him.

He told me in the car "there's only you" and he literally made my mind turn into mush and my body ignited in an inferno that needed to be tamed by him and only him. But I wasn't going to go there with him, he's Shawn Mendes!

What does that even mean anymore? At this point it didn't even matter. Shawn Mendes invites you back to his condo and your here fighting with yourself.

I saw his reflection in the glass mirror, he was looking at me, the back of me at least and he seemed to be wrapped in his own battle with himself as well. He didn't seem nervous or shy, just like he wanted to make sure he took his time easing me into whatever this was or might be. I slowly let a breath out and did mantra breathing never leaving my site off his from the windows perceptive.

I turned to face him. He looked at me, standing there with his finger tapping lightly on the rim of the glass.

"Why did you bring me here?" I finally asked, fairly curious.

He cleared his throat as he placed the glass on a table under his flat screen that was mounted on his wall.

He looked at me once more.

" I wanted to be alone with you. I needed to be. As weird as it sounds right now that I said it out loud doesn't make it any less true. Everything you said outside of the bar I understood it, I found myself doing the same thing with you. I want to be in your world, I want to know what makes you happy, upset, laugh, confused and challenges you. Whatever it is I want to know. Do you understand what I'm saying Yvette?" He said slowly stepping towards me his eyes never leaving mine.

Yes. I hear everything he is saying but it's not registering because it can't be coming out of HIS mouth. Not me, or about me. He- he's.... this is a dream. I'm about to wake up in any minute.

"Yvette." I hear a stern like tone come from him but his expression is of concern and question.

All I can do is shake my head no as my mouth is now dry and my chest is racing and I can't move from my position.

"Yes, you. I'm talking about you. It sounds crazy and unbelievable but I always have said I would never rush into anything, I let things play out and if the feeling is there then it's there. The feeling is there for you, you make it a little hard to focus on regular everyday things, nothing to crazy and out of the normal but you invade my thoughts and I find myself wanting to see your beautiful face, hear that beautiful goofy smile when you really are laughing about something that tickles you truly. The way you look at me when I'm rambling about nothing but you just let me ramble and you look at me like I'm saying the most interesting thing." He said now being a few inches away from me but never taking his eyes off me still.

Consumed By You  |Shawn Mendes|Where stories live. Discover now