Girl Talk

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"So you spill first." I said as we sat down in a booth at some local diner that Rose recommended.

Thankfully the ride was short, because Rose looked like she might combust with whatever news she had.

"Okay, let's order the food and then we can dish. What are you wearing? Wait.. is that SHAWNS?! YA FUCKED EM!!" Rose said wide eyed and loud enough that the entire diner heard and looked at us.

"Roseeee, shut the hell up. Say it any louder I don't think the lord heard you!" I hissed dragging her arm down to sit down.

"Oh I know the lord heard ya ass. Was he good? Did he cry? What the fuck." She said never catching a breathe. "Hold on I got light headed." She said putting her head down on the table, making me laugh at how spastic she tends to get sometimes I forget how hilarious it is.

"He was very attentive, and he knows what he is doing is all I'll say, and nooo he doesn't cry." I whispered in fear that people could hear us and figure out I just had sex with Shawn Mendes. "Now spill about what you got!" I said drinking my water, feeling suddenly hot at just the thought of Shawn and his hands all over me.

Oh those hands.
The things they can do and take my body to places.

"You girls ready to order?" A middle aged woman said with a very chipper attitude.

"Yes. I'll have omelette with everything, and some fruits on the side with pancakes." Rose said, getting a side eye from me.

That's a lot of food even for her.


"Are you pregnant??" I said in a low hush that failed because the waitress looked at rose and smiled.

Rose gave me a death stare, and mouthed NO with furrowed eyebrows.

"How about you sugar?" The waitress said trying to leave this conversation.

"Um. I'll take a blt with extra bacon and scrambled eggs with cheese and a ice tea. Thank you." I said handing the menus to her and she gave a quick smile and walked away.

"Shit, Yvette. I'm not pregnant." She said sounding a little angry.

"I'm sorry." I said feeling like sudden crap.

She brushed it off and she started bouncing her hair side to with her gorgeous smile.

"No worries! So tea time! So John has decided to let me show him some of my song writing for a possible a highly possible collab, and he wants to go on a small vacation around the Mediterranean Sea!" Rose said with her hands at her cheeks and a huge smile on her face.

"Oh bitchhh, that just sounds like something out of a fairytale! I'm so happy for you, like your about to collab with JOHN FUCKING MAYER!" I said grabbing her free hand and shaking it out of excitement. "then add some hot traveling, oh god you guys are so gonna just fall madly in love and elope and I swear Rose, if I find out on E! news ill kill you!" I teased as I winked at my very happy and blushing bestfriend.

She took her phone out showing me some pictures of them last night out, John had taken her to an amazing rooftop restaurant that he closed down just for two, and it had a beautiful view of the Niagara falls through a round floor to ceiling window view. They looked like a beautiful couple in love and I was so happy for Rose. She never would ever admit that she was always in fear of ever truly allowing someone else to bring her happiness because of all the times people had let her down in the past. Rose always had these walls she had learned to build overtime and when we first met each other it was like two lost spirits coming together and becoming one. She always called me her soul sister, and that always fit us so well because in the short time from us meeting we became instantly inseparable. It did take time for both of us to let our walls down but it was because of our fears, the moment we did it made us so much closer. Rose always knew me and relationships were almost nonexistent so when i finally decided to get with Antonio she was the most shocked, but she was supportive as my friend. So now that she has this thing going on with John i was so over the moon for her not only as her friend but because i knew she was finally allowing herself some happiness that was outside of her song writing.

"So like are you and Mendes a thing now?" Rose said bringing me out of my inner thoughts, taking a long sip of her water and batting her long eyelashes at me.

I couldn't conceal my smile even if i tried, and i could see Rose looking at me waiting for my answer.

"God, no. We're ... we.. fuck. I dont know what we are or if there even is a we. But it was fun and definitely memorable so ill just take it for what it is." I said trying to control the goofy smile im pretty sure i had plastered on my face.

The waitress came with our food, thankfully because i know Rose would be probing me with so many questions and right now i didn't want to get wrapped in the thoughts of what me and Shawn might or might not be, because if i allowed myself to go there i might mess around and give myself a whole anxiety attack.

Rose knew i was in one of my thoughts because she tapped on my hands, to bring me back and she gave me a reassuring smile.

"Well, im glad you guys finally had sex because all the sexual tension between you two was gonna kill everyone in a room with you guys. Im sure you two are gonna end up together and just live happily ever after." Rose said winking at me and going back to her food.

"I highly doubt that." I scoffed and went to focus on the food in front of me.

I then heard a chime come from my phone.

iMessage From Shawn.

I cant stop thinking about you.

Another smile came on to my face and i hated how instantly he was able to change my mood with just a damn text message. I looked over at Rose and she was already smiling at me with her knowing eyes and nodding yes for me to reply back to whatever it said.

Only problem was i didn't know what to say, so i kept looking back on the screen, then another one came in.

Can I take you out tonight?

My eyes grew wide and i knew i had a confused look.

Why the hell is going on?

He cant be serious.

This is a joke.

I quickly typed.

Im gonna spend some time with Rose. That was the main purpose of my trip. Dont worry about it, have fun with your friends.

I didn't mean to sound mean or rude, but this couldn't be a regular thing. I was only gonna be here a few days. New years eve was gonna be tonight, and i already saw rumors about him throwing a huge party. So i didn't want to be the reason for him to cancel or feel obligated to invite me just because we had a one night stand.

I wasn't going to be that girl, i couldn't be.

He quickly responded and that shocked the hell out of me.

Dont run away from me Yvette. Im not like this with everyone and your making me feel like you regret this so you thinking pushing me away is gonna be a thing. So have your girl time but im having a party tonight for new years eve and i would love for you to come.

I couldnt help but laugh,

Shawn Mendes is really out here coming at me in a humble way.

I typed.

We'll See Mendes.

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