Happy hoildays

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I was deep into a much needed slumber after coming home from the beach and taking a long shower and crying some more to release the tension i still had from the day.

I heard ringing.

where the hell was it coming from?

i opened my eyes laying on my side and looking around without moving my head much.

was i hearing things?

I sat up on my bed looking confused.

the ringing was coming from my intercom.

I got off my bed and walked over to the intercom annoyed.

who the hell was that?

one of my drunk neighbors, maybe.

I checked my clock in the small hallway as i passed to my intercom


you gotta be kidding me.

I stood in front of the intercom hoping that whomever was ringing me left or got into the building, but just like clockwork it started again in such an obsessive manner.

Letting out an irritated groan.

"Who the fuck is it?!" I yelled into my intercom

i clicked the talk button.

"Bitch its Rose, ya best friend ya know. Hello!" I heard my best friends voice echo through the intercom.


What the hell is she even doing its almost 12 at night.

she began ringing the bell again and again this time on purpose and i knew it. I started laughing at her annoying ass antics, as i rang the bell for her to come in.

I went to unlock the door and waited for my best friend to come up.

Rose was my best friend, like literal best friend and even though right now she was traveling back and forth from New York City and Toronto I was happy she made this small pit stop to see me. Given her pit stop was 3,000 miles and 6 hours on a plane, she loves me. Just as much as I love her.

"Hello darrrrrrrling!" I heard her yell as she opened the door. There she stood holding up a bottle of wine and Chinese take out.

"No way. You remember!" I said as I embraced my bestest friend in a tight hug.

"I know last year I got so shit faced and ended up asleep in the bathtub and I lost my clothes but this year we're gonna keep it cheeky." Rose said as she placed the food and wine on the table.

I laughed at my best friend and the memory that was now invading my mind. We really did have so many memories good and bad, but I wouldn't dream of having them with anyone else.

Once we got settled in the living room and began munching away at our Chinese food and drinking wine out of red foam cups, everything just seemed so much like old times and I almost forgot about Antonio.


"So tea time, what's going on? Don't say nothing because when you called I instantly knew something was off. Spill." Rose said folding her legs and scooting to be face to face to me.

I couldn't lie to her, I didn't like too but I didn't want to talk about it only because I knew the moment I told her she would want to kill him. But I did want to tell her about the messages between me and Shawn. I had to tell someone because I knew I couldn't go blasting it all over social media like he's famous, duh. So I caved and I started telling her all about what has really been going on with me and Antonio and the broader line physical abuse along with the emotional abuse I was enduring from him. Before I knew it I was once again in tears and sobbing on my best friends lap as she just caressed my hair and let me release every single hidden emotions.

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