1| unlikely friendship

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Something about Remus' plays intrigued anyone and everyone. Every time a hurriedly made letter was put up on the notice board just outside the Great Hall announcing that any pupil with a devotion to drama interested in having a part in a new, original production were welcome to auditions had teachers and pupils alike, including the ones who had no interest in Remus whatsoever, fidgeting with excitement.

So when he walked by a crowd of people near the entrance of the Hall, he felt both embarrassed and gleeful. He had been writing and directing plays since he was twelve years old and then just over six years later, his craft had been honed, leaving him with an impeccable ability to produce something incredible in a mere matter of weeks, but of course, he never chose to do that. Each play had been refined to perfection, each line and action written with the dearest hand. For this play, he'd poured all his strength and time in to it: it was the last one he would ever do in Hogwarts and he had to give them what they were expecting. If all goes well, his teachers and fellow students would find his work more than satisfactory.

"Quite a crowd there, Mr Lupin, don't you agree?" A clean voice hummed from behind him. Nearly jumping back in surprise, Remus, as smoothly as possible, slowly turned his head round to see Professor McGonagall fondly sighing at the fervent whispers while the drama geeks fought for a look at the shitty Word document that Remus had made at two in the morning.
"I suppose, but I-I think it might be a bit of a surprise when people find out why it actually is."
"Oh? Why is that?"
Remus only smiled, knowing that his teacher was trying to coax information out of him.
"It's a secret, Professor. I can't risk you betraying me," Remus quipped. He had quite the ideal bond with his English professor, mostly because she had first told him about drama and how it could use his aptitude for writing. So he joined as a playwright and immediately fell in love with the atmosphere, as did another student in his year group: Sirius Black.

Ever since joining in second year, Sirius had never even thought about quitting. The splendour of walking out on to stage as a whole new person invoked such light in him that he'd be crazy to leave such a place. He found passion in the people and joy in the thoughts, so he found no need to bid farewell. Perhaps it was quite strenuous doing both theatre and football training at the same time as well as also trying to cram other activities in to his day, but it gave him less time to think and for him, that's all he needed.

While he ate his dinner, it was no surprise when a hand began sliding up his thigh. Sirius looked up from his plate of steak and kidney pie, but didn't meet the eyes of the person sat beside him.
"You haven't even looked at me all day."

Sirius smirked.

"Perhaps, Marcus, I have better things to look at. Like a mirror, for instance." Sirius tried to ignore the many faces around him and focus on himself and his actions.

"Narcissist. Are you sure you weren't sucking someone else off ?"

"You know me, of course I was. Thought you would have known by now that I go around with everyone."

It was compulsory for Sirius to say such a thing. To constantly remind the boys that he wasn't theirs and that they shouldn't get their hopes up because they were just one of many. One of many boys who would have Sirius in their bed for a night before he moved on to the next, then would go back to them. Sirius knew it was a vicious cycle, that he was toying with human lives like a downright monster, but he couldn't resist the temptation and truthfully, nor could they. The thrill of sex whenever it was necessary and being in control for an hour, possibly two, was quite enjoyable to say the least.

Marcus rolled his eyes, running his hand through his frizzy black hair, quickly growing disinterested. Sirius didn't blame him.

"You want a cig?" Julian Fisher offered as he and Sirius stood against one of Hogwarts' back walls. The bitter bite of the nighttime cold sunk its teeth in to their hands and faces.
"No thanks," Sirius declined, refraining himself from wrinkling his nose up at the smell of a cigarette being lit. He didn't like those little white sticks - not anymore, at least. They reminded of his sixteen-year-old self, pumped with pills and mixes of alcohol and drugs crawling through his veins.

So he tried to avoid smoking.

"Marcus looked like he was going to fuck you right then and there in the middle of the Great Hall," Julian chuckled, his Irish accent strongly bleeding trough his words as a stream of grey smoke billowed out of his mouth and in to the starless darkness.

"Said I hadn't looked at him all day."

"What a shame. Imagine what Dumbledore would do if he actually did have sex with you in the middle of the Hall. Personally, I think he wouldn't have minded too much."
"I think he would've enjoyed it. Like, come on, it's live action porn with me in it, so what's not to like?"
"I'll admit, porn with you in it doesn't sound that bad, but Marcus... he's kind of repulsive." Julian and Sirius had an unlikely friendship. Yes, you read that correctly: friendship. They were friends who occasionally sucked each other's cocks when they were bored. Sirius wasn't friends with any of the others, but Julian was an enjoyable person who he could hold a conversation with. They spoke to one another of things that their other friends just wouldn't understand, and both were satisfied with that.

"I can't tell if you're just horny and are hinting at wanting to shag or you're just acknowledging my beauty once more," Sirius admitted, turning to face Julian while he removed the cigarette from his lips and smiled, his lips curling up in amusement.
"I'm acknowledging your beauty once more, oh stunning one! Talking about beauty, how are you feeling about Lupin's play? Are you gonna audition?" Julian asked, wrapping his coat even more tightly around his slender body as he shivered, the cigarette once again hanging out of his mouth.

"Yeah, of course I am. It's going to be great," Sirius breathed, head knocking back on to the wall as he shut his eyes, the midnight breeze tickling his skin. Julian smiled absentmindedly and fondly at his friend, hooking an arm around his neck jauntily.

"You'll do well. Oh, you need to stop it; I'm so close to literally asking you out. You don't know how bloody adorable you are, my god."

hahahaha, first chapter. thank you all so much for waiting. i know i said i'd upload it yesterday but it's so bloody hard to write a description. if you're new, hello! you might have made a mistake clicking on this book, idek.

i've figured out the main skeleton of this book, but i'm still trying to refine and polish every event. this book hopefully won't be angsty and saddening, but funny and light-hearted. that's what i'm aiming for anyway.

also, some of you might remember julian fisher from flourishing, my last book, and hehe, yeah, i kinda love him??? and need him in this book??? i hope no one minds???ok, thank you so much for reading and i hope you stick around for the rest of the adventure :)
see you next millennium

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