32| you're awfully innocent

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When time begins to suddenly blur in to the background, when it acts like dandelion florets hardly noticeable in azure skies, when it becomes icy sunshine peeking through rainy days, how wonderful is that?

You know, time salutes one final time and flees, sprinting in to dark tangerine sunsets and leaving behind nothing more than a memory with a cloud of dust. After this, all we can do is crawl through days by measuring feeling, every second is a moment of happiness, or an age of panic, or an instant of ardent fury.

Oh, time and how it confuses me so.

"That's fucking bullshit!" Julian exclaimed angrily. He pelleted a piece of popcorn Sirius' way.

"What do you bloody mean it's bullshit? It makes so much sense! The Tooth Fairy comes at night, like a weirdo might I add, and steals your fucking teeth. But literally, why? The only possible answer is to eat them, but someone told me that the Tooth Fairy was a tooth just wearing a tutu-"

"That's the bullshit part! Sirius, look, I understand that your childhood was majorly depressing, but that's fucking bullshit. The Tooth Fairy is this cute little bitch, with a pale pink tulle skirt, nice puffed sleeves and cute heels."

"Well done, you ruined the gay stereotype! No one will think we have good style now, thanks a lot," hissed Sirius, sneering. Julian rolled his eyes and delved deep in to his bag of popcorn while Sirius kicked of Julian's cap that was on his bed.

"I could kick you out of my dorm, you know. This is my kingdom. Otto is probably getting a blowie down in a cleaner's cupboard, Robert is debating or something, Harrison is being a weeb and last and definitely least, Iskander is probably preaching about how pineapple on pizza is an abomination. I rule this territory."

"Didn't ask for a spoken essay, babes," giggled Sirius, rolling over on to his stomach and peering over the edge of the bed.

"Still can't believe you have a cap that says daddy."

"Oh, yeah, talking about daddies, how's the boyfriend?" Julian asked with a smirk. He wasn't prepared to have a hat thrown to his face full force.

"Brilliant, actually. Although he's not my boyfriend, he does give me fingertip kisses." Sirius snickered. The atmosphere mellowed, ridding itself of old schoolboy malice that only he and Julian could display flippantly enough, and Julian gave an innocent smile.

"That's kind of extremely cute," he teased, but Sirius couldn't restrain himself from flushing a delightful red.

"I know."

And yes, Sirius Black did know. There's certainly something distinct about Remus, and much stronger than the distinct that ignited fire in one's soul. Remus Lupin was a special sort of feeling. He felt like daisy chains on wrists during the evening, heavy metal that's so easy to mock and laugh along too, playful remarks that breathe among vines in the jungle.

Remus Lupin was a combination of sugar cookies and alcohol-spiked tea.

Bloody delectable.

"I'm legit - bro, you're inviting me to the wedding of course, right?"

" 'Course I am, but what about you, how's your love life? Which twink have you got your eye on?"

"Off with your tongue, you're the only twink in Hogwarts and sorry, but absolutely not. That'd be utterly foul. Like crushing on that one cousin you dance to pornographic songs with."

"Don't be so bloody inconsiderate, goodness, Julian. You know I was supposed to marry my cousin sister."

"Disgusting. Females."

"And may we toast to that?" Sirius picked up two forgotten bags of cola bottle sweets.

"Oh, hello!" Sirius greeted, sitting on a bench beside a particular Regulus Black.

It was the bench, cold and apparently unused for years as it seemed sealed in the past, pretty much new.

Remus told him love was dead there a month ago.

Silly boy.

"I just did four hours of revision and I believe I might vomit all the information back out. This shit is downright annoying," Regulus groaned, although hardly any emotion was expressed on his features. Sirius whistled lowly as he looked vacantly out in to the sprawling green land of Hogwarts.

Far beyond Hogwarts' grounds, darker, subdued silhouettes of mountains and hills backdropped the school, always giving their students the reminder that yes, here were they allowed to be whoever they wanted to be. They're secluded, in the best way.

"Which subjects?"

Sirius lightly placed himself on the far end of the cruelly cool bench. Regulus adjusted himself.

"I have a chemistry test tomorrow, so I revised for that, and then a French one in the afternoon-"

"Well, that'll be easy, you French-speaking, frog leg-nibbling arse. Do you still go to France every summer?"

Regulus looked down in to his lap, watching the skin of his pale hands tighten as he clasped them both together. Blue eyes immersed themselves in the greatest burn of fury, but only for a split second. A pang of dusky blue doused the crimson that had flashed all of a sudden.

"They're trying to find a wife for me."

Sirius almost jolted back in surprise, but he abstained himself from doing so. He still had his trips to France fresh in his mind, where he rested in silks and satins, walked down expanses of cold stone to get from one end of their estate to the other.

It was sickening.

The balls were the worst. Dainty ladies who didn't look sixteen or around that age at all, with their intricate dresses pooling out by their feet and pearls strung across impossibly smooth necks, would curtesy before him.

He would tip his head respectfully and in the iridescent golden glow of the hall, they would dance. Violins would screech, pianos would bang and Sirius, Sirius wanted to get out of there. It was either one of those girls or his cousin sister.

It slipped his mind, however, that Regulus would be forced through something similar.

"Leave, France gets fucking scarring from ages fourteen up."

Regulus bit back the remark that sprung to his lip.

You managed to forget.

"I am going to leave. Soon. They haven't even found a someone yet, thank the Lord. More and more people are falling out of this 'aristocratic' lifestyle. But even if I left, I'd still be trapped. They hold my head."

The world ran around in circles before Sirius' eyes, it's blinding potency seizing hold of him and ultimately, ultimately, forcing him in to speechlessness.

The boys didn't exchange anymore in the few following minutes, instead they kept to themselves and their thoughts.

"You could live with James and me, you know. Mr and Mrs Potter are the nicest fucking people ever. I've told them all about you."

"You know, Sirius, for a boy who's been handcuffed to bed posts," Regulus began, turning his head to face Sirius with the cheekiest grin on his face, "you're awfully innocent."

"That shouldn't have been funny but it was. Wow, fuck you, Reg, really."

two days. again. i'm happy bros, i really am. i can finally feel myself slipping back in to that usual headspace of happiness and loudness and annoyingness. just me again :')
i hope this chapter was half enjoyable. i really am trying to get up to scratch because i wanna start producing shit that i can't go 'i dID THAT'
i also thought now would be a good time to say...
[drumroll please]
this book is very nearly over!! there may be only one or two chapters after this until the finale chapter!! and yes, if you're here from flourishing, i said i was gonna do two bonus chapters except i erm,, never really did (BUT I MIGHT ACTUALLY WHEN I HIT A MILESTONE) however i sort of want to do one for this book! let me know how you feel about that.
see you next millennium

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