13| addicted to the pain

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James tutted as he inspected Sirius' loose buttons.

"Honestly, Pads, I need to sew these back on tightly. They're practically falling off. I forbid your lads from doing this to you from now on, understood?"

"Yes, Mum. James, he didn't hurt me. Jack has some level of decency, you know?" Sirius assured, but James only exhaled sharply.

"Boys here are trouble. Okay, maybe that's kind of a lie, but the boys you hang around with are most certainly trouble. Except Julian, perhaps. Julian's alright at most," James admitted reluctantly, crossing his arms.

He had spoken a to Julian a few times and every time, he was mostly shy and embarrassed, always losing eye contact and stumbling over his words. Apparently, James' stony glances and short sentences with clear double-meaning were more threatening than he apprehended. He knew that it wasn't any of his business, that it was slightly rude how invested he was in to Sirius' life, but no one could mess with Sirius because James knew how easily his mate could snap, and someone needed to be there with him. Sirius had been through too much shit, and James was adamant on making sure that he never had to go through that again.

"You sound like an overprotective daddy, stop," whined Sirius as he fell back with a bounce on to his bed.

"Why don't you just ask Remus out so he can be your daddy? He somehow radiates these kinky I'll-Tie-You-Up-Because-I'm-Daddy vibes, to be totally honest." James crossed his legs and tapped his knees while Sirius slowly blinked twice.

"What the fuck?"

James just shrugged.

"Where's Peter anyway?" Sirius asked, noticing the loss of his other best friend.

"In the loo, taking a shit."

Sirius almost fell in to a bout of laughter.

"L-loo?" Sirius spluttered while James looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Who on earth says loo?"

"This posh bitch. And at least I don't call it the lavatory sometimes."

"Lavatory is normal-"

"Why are we talking about toilets?" A voice asked. James and Sirius turned their heads to see Peter Pettigrew with his backpack hanging off of one shoulder.

"Ah, Wormy! Did you have a nice shit?"

Peter looked even more confused.

"I went to go find my pencil case, Prongs. Why would I take my bag to the toilet?" Peter threw said bag down on to the floor chucking his pencil case away and then launching himself on to his bed. James and Sirius watched in amusement.

"Could have been on your period," Sirius joked.

"I wish it wasn't so stigmatised for women to have to hide their periods. Like oh, shit, it's a period! It shouldn't have to be like that. It's not that big of a fucking deal, for fuck's sake. Let them bleed in peace," James ranted. Sirius nodded in agreement, recalling the conversation he heard a few weeks back between two sixth years bitching about one of their girlfriends and how she couldn't keep her mouth shut about her period.

Sirius turned to them in disgust.

"Oh my gosh, you are both actually pitiful!" he had exclaimed, unable to just listen and be on his way. The shorter of the two looked up at him, immediately rolling his eyes.

"Oh, shut the fuck up, Black. You don't understand it; faggots never do," he muttered the last bit beneath his breath to his friend, who jumped away from him in shock.

"My brother's gay, you prick," he spat.

"Oh," said the other, seemingly at loss for words. Sirius could have laughed at his flabbergasted expression.

"She can't help menstruating, by the way. And I don't think having a childish boyfriend is helping her at all. She can't help bleeding and I can't help liking boys because some of them, unlike you, are actually decent. Have some respect, alright?"

Sirius clicked his tongue quietly as the scene finished playing in his head.

"Lily is quite lucky to have you, Jamie," Peter praised.

"Is she? Or are all the girls who have boyfriends who don't understand female anatomy unlucky?" James made a face and Peter sucked in a sharp breath between his teeth.

"And then it felt like this huge, bright purple whale jumped out from behind the trees, though I kinda just realised that whales can't jump. But I swear it jumped!" Peter promised, exaggerating his story wildly with his hands.

"No way!" Sirius exclaimed as he sat on his knees uncomfortably, thoroughly intrigued by Peter's story.

"What sort of drug are you on? Because I want it right now. How do you even get dreams like these? They're incredible!"

"Yeah, and how do you manage to forget them but remember them at two in the morning when we have classes tomorrow?"

Shrugging, Peter claimed that he was just amazing like that.

"Boys, let's do something tomorrow. Just the three of us, like the good old times!" James looked excitedly at his two mates as they all sat comfortably down on the floor.

"No excuses, either of you," James said pointedly, even though Sirius knew he was going to correctly prioritise.

Occasionally, he had a serpent of guilt coiled in the pit of stomach. He was entirely clueless to the internal battle that his casual partners had because if he felt like collapsing under the weight of his own activities, then what if there was someone, maybe who he had fooled about with once, who felt disgusting because they had their hands all over Sirius Black, Hogwarts' biggest slut? He'd been with closeted boys and what if he was the purpose of their discomfort?

What if he had broken a heart without realising it?

The 'what if's in Sirius' life would always claw him back in to the gaping void down in hell and he disgustingly was addicted to the pain.

"That'd be fun. Skates?" Sirius suggested, a bright plastic smile on his face.

James and Peter grinned and nodded straight away.

Their roller skates brought buckets of good memories from fifth year back, including the one where Peter nearly rolled in to the Black Lake.

i hate this so much. i'm sorry.

i found a huge fucking moth and it chased me. i was scared. BUT IN OTHER NEWS, THERE IS SO MUCH LIGHTNING AND RAIN I AM LIKE WOAH, CLIMATE CHANGE!!! IT'S WILD.

no no no no my cat's out in the rain fuck no no no he needs to come back he won't like it.
see you next millennium

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