8| and then he beamed

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Remus surveyed over the rehearsal, saying his lines when he needed to but never getting up from his plush red seat. He tapped the end of his pencil against his pursed lips, deep in thought - a lot of things needed to be refined. He decided that the opening scene was fine, seeing as Sirius looked particularly carefree against the finely crafted tree as he sat among its roots, explaining the joy of music before revealing the true darkness in the form of every type of inequality that had enveloped the old town of Bayer's Grove. However, he still needed to figure out a way to ensure safety when moving a piano on and off stage. Perhaps he could keep it in the shadows?

He breathed out heavily through his nose.

He had no idea if this would turn out well.

It was near the end of the play that Remus was able to voice his worries.

You look mega disappointed," Sirius whispered (rather loudly can to be honest) as he emerged from the side door leading from backstage, striding smoothly towards Remus.

"I'm not, I'm not, I swear! It's just... I need this to go plan," Remus mumbled as he stretched out in his seat. He focused on the performers on stage, watching in awe as they bled such vigorous pain, clasping the hands to their chests as they cried out full of emotion. It was as if their life was truly collapsing before them, like they were realistically reflecting what could happen if we did nothing about today's problem. There was no doubt in his mind that they weren't good actors; he just hoped he could do them justice.

"I get what you mean," Sirius sympathised as he too watched the acting, most likely judging when to go back on, "we all need this to go to plan. And it is good! Really, you are incredible, Remus, honest. You're doing a fab job at handling all this and it'll be fine, promise."

And then he beamed.

It was different to anything Remus had ever seen: bright, warm and so, so reassuring. He didn't know if it was just Sirius being Sirius, free as the wind and deliriously wild, but no matter the cause, he found himself smiling back.

Remus rubbed his thumb and middle finger together anxiously and absentmindedly, the stress eating him up as he revised in the library. A sickening feeling swooped down in to his stomach like a flock of birds and immediately, his head felt heavy. Lowering his pencil in his left hand, he brought his hands to his face and held himself up at the temples; is it humanly possible to live like this? It certainly didn't feel like it.

Remus knew he had a problem with overthinking minor things and when those clashed with major things, he felt as though his problems became thick, horrid gloop that rose higher and higher from the ground until he was fully submerged. But even though he was aware of this, it didn't help: he just couldn't help stressing.

He let out a sigh, voluntarily or not, but still a prolonged sigh all the same. Tipping his head back, Remus let his eyes drift over the large, high-ceilinged room stocked with titles old and new. He let himself fall back in love with the ancient sculptures overlooking the library like guardian angels, the shelves and shelves of books and the rustic old chairs nestled in calm corners.

Doing such a thing organised his mind.

Remus tilted his head to the side in thought. Funny how humans live purely for beauty.

"Frank, did you take my socks?" Remus asked as he lifted up his duvet and pillow before looking beneath his bed.
"No, why would I take your socks? Most of your socks have snowmen on them," Frank calmly stated, holding a newspaper far above him, grimacing as he read.

Remus threw down his hands exasperatedly while Gideon and Fabian giggled.

"That was for Christmas! Mam said I need to take advantage of the festivity and have fun."
"Didn't know fun could be in the form of ridiculous socks, to be honest!" Fabian snickered.

"Oh, shut your gobs, the both of you. Remus' sock choices are exquisite, if I do say so my self," Gideon announced, throwing off his red and gold blanket to reveal two grey patterned socks on his feet.

"Fucking wanker," Remus muttered beneath his breath, "you might as well just keep them. They've probably got traces of that foot fungus you have."

"Had!" Gideon corrected, immediately sitting up straight at the very mention of his dark time.

"Can't know that for sure, can we, Gid? Mum still says you need to keep an eye out for any abnormalities with your Shrek toes," teased Fabian. He smiled evilly at his twin.

"Shut up! That was a private chat! But knowing you with your fucking Dumbo the Elephant ears you probably heard from miles away! And I don't even need Mum to look out for me anymore; I'm a big boy now," Gideon huffed sadly, yanking his curtains shut while Frank and Remus shook with silent laughter.
"And you're very scary. The reason why nether if you are Mrs Longbottom's favourite is because these childish arguments that do everyone's head in. Now, have any of you done McGonagall's assignment?"

Remus looked round expectantly, only to be met with an open-mouthed Fabian, a Frank who looked as though he was reconsidering his existence and Gideon, who had just poked his head out from behind his curtain with his eyes wide and unbelieving.

"We didn't get any fucking homework, Remus, stop shitting with us."

"Yes, we did, Gideon," Frank whispered brokenly.

"Well, I suppose I must be on my way to enjoy my time leisurely down in the common room for I have poured my heart and soul in to that English piece, proving that we did have time to complete it. Farewell, my lazy fucks." Remus slipped off of his bed and walked out of the door.

look, this chapter's actually on time! i don't believe it! i hope this has revealed a little bit more about remus' play and more about remus. bit of a dark horse, ain't he? i think we're getting in to the plot for real now, though that is only if i don't start waffling like i did with my last book yeet.
see you next millennium

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