26| threads of their human

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To say casual flirtation between Sirius and Remus ran through the entirety of play practice would be an understatement. It mostly likely just about teetered of the edge of casual and in to an eddying abyss of something slightly stronger.

The drama teacher, Professor Harley, had just returned from her maternity leave, meaning that she was now restarting her usual group warmups before practice which, surprisingly, Sirius never particularly enjoyed.

Remus too had his own matters to attend to, such as sewing patches on to the costume made for the character Farmer Tom, a man who made Noah realise the feelings weighing him down weren't all that bad when he went to collect eggs one morning, and having a crisis on thinking about what would happen soon after practice would finish.

The sound of Sirius Black flooded every inch of his head, consuming his inner conscience.

His silver needle dipped down in to the brown fabric, disappearing in to nothing but a trail of umber thread.

He didn't know what to do, how to impress - how to act normal. How does one act on a fine Saturday afternoon alongside one of the most stunning specimens in existence? Is it possible to feel your heart pulsate so quick that you feel all your eloquence slip out of your being?

Are those the usual feelings for a boy you like?

A metallic point shot out from the material once more and Remus sighed.

God, Wonderland is such a magnificently mad place.

"Professor Harley can suck my dick, honestly," Sirius ranted as he stomped into the room, hair bouncing on his shoulders as his heavy steps pounded the wooden floor of the half filled costume room.

Remus scoffed from his long table in the far left corner of the room.

"What's - what's she done to annoy you?" he asked. He slid the oversized garment closer to him, still concentrating hard on the minuscule stitches. Sirius sat down on the table and leaned back on his palms.

"She thinks I'm a whore."

"Which you are not," Remus reminded, gaze flicking up to stare up at the boy he adored.

Grey eyes met his soul.

"Correct. But I think she's certain that I still bend over to show off my delish arse. Someone screamed something about dating and she really had the - the-"

"Audacity?" Remus supplied. Sirius snapped his fingers.

"Audacity to ask me if I've found 'one of the bunch to settle down with'. Bitch, the fuck?! Why does it matter to her? And the way she said it made me want to sink my teeth in to her fucking hands. You know that one bitch stare? Yeah, I got that from and had to refrain myself from kicking a teacher."

Remus listened to his rant with wide eyes and a constant opening and closing mouth.

"Surely that's not - she's fucking forty-two, she can't say that: it's really... weird."

It took Sirius a few seconds to realise Remus' mistake.

"Lovely, she's not forty-two," Sirius sniggered, a hand pressed down on to Remus' jumper-clad shoulder, "she's thirty-two."

Remus perked up in surprise at that.

"I got her a happy fortieth birthday two years ago though," Remus hurried, panicked. Sirius laughed once more, fondness glittering in silver eyes.

"You're joking!"

Remus groaned, face planting down onto his sewing piece as he jabbed his needle in to it too.

"I don't care, I don't like her anyways."

Rolling his eyes, Sirius let out a long sigh.

"You could've poked your eye out."

"Yeah, and?"

"For fuck's sake, why am I going out with you in approximately... three hours?" moaned Sirius, genuinely jumping back in alarm as Remus sprang back up.

"Three hours? Is that - is it really that soon?"

Sirius nodded uncertainly.

"By the way, would you mind making it three and a half hours? It takes me twenty minutes to pick out some shoes."

"Of bloody course," chuckled Remus, "but I wouldn't mind at all-"

A door opened abruptly.

"Boys, would you care to join us for the rest of our warm up?" Professor Harley asked. Her auburn eyebrows raised irritably.

"No," said Remus instantly with not a moment of hesitation. Sirius tutted at his bluntness.

"Nah, I'm sorry, I'm helping him."

"In which way?"

"Uh, mentally," Remus decided. In all truthfulness, he picked the first plausible word that jumped his noggin.

"Oh, alright! But this cannot keep happening: the play is being performed in just over two weeks!" Professor Harley reminded, pointer finger waggling in the direction of the two boys.

They were quite the people in her eyes - strange, talented and crazily refreshing beings of the planet. In an exhilaratingly different way, they shared their passion of drama, of expression and yes, maybe they weren't exactly joined by the hip, but gradually the grew closer, the threads of their human connecting in such a different way. She admired that.

She admired them, in all their youth and determination, in all their destined glory and powerful words.

They were bound to be going places, she was sure.

"Well, I best leave you to it. And also, Sirius, would you mind stepping out with me for just a moment?" Professor Harley asked, her question coming after only a short pause. Sirius sent a quizzical look over his shoulder. Remus' expression almost mirrored his own.

"But - but I swear I haven't done anything," desperately replied Sirius, who had actually been getting increasingly more told off during lessons because he kept pissing off teachers. But really, how do you expect Sirius to respond to being asked to find the coordinates of GF? He's gay, for stars' sake, he would never need to find GF.

"I know, dearie, I would just like to have a quick word with you and then you can go back to mentally assisting Mr Lupin while he sews."

In utter bafflement, Remus saw Sirius slip off of the table with a soft thump before following the professor out and pulling a face begging for mercy at him. He sighed sadly. Once upon a time, Professor Harley was a fun, carefree young woman, but apparently, getting married had sobered her considerably and having a baby made things much more sincere.

Whatever, a voice dismissed in Remus' mind, you have better things to worry about than babies and marriage.

A full rehearsal and oh, what else?

A date.

Goodness, play practice was surely going to be a rollercoaster of subtle sayings and brief touches.

oof okay so this was late again but school is a pain in the arse. life's also pretty shit and i don't really wanna go in to depth about what's happening, but i will put my situation on my mb because idk, it could help someone. things higkey suck, but i genuinely have things to live for. i want to live for my love. loving is the only power i possess. I WILL SPREAD IT TO EVERY CORNER. thank you platonic wifey for making me realise the power of love. you are amazing.
see you next millennium

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