30| rain in heaven

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i'm ready to fucking kill you all

you can come back now

fucking precum:
Oh thank you so much remus after literally four hours Jesus Christ wtf did you do

oh i'm sorry to disappoint but no he didn't suck my dick idiot

pre-wet :
Fabian are you dumb they had the bum sex stupid motherfucker

fucking precum:
Go on then attack me gO ON

fucking precum:
I'm telling mum

i'M tElLiNg MuM

honestly i might as well just chuck all the shit stuffed beneath your beds out it's not like anyone's coming back

wannabe thicc boi:
Im coming back shithead Alice is asking bout them baby photos of me 🤢

fucking precum:
With your cute bby hair

"cute bby hair"


wannabe thicc ass boi:🖕🖕🖕

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wannabe thicc ass boi:


"Ah, there's our son. Back after fourteen decades. I missed you, love. Sit."

The shine in James' eyes did not lean towards the friendly side. Sirius shivered at its malice.


"No, no! It's okay, Sirius. Sit down. James and me just want to chat! Just a lovely... chill chat."

Peter grimaced as Sirius swallowed thickly.

He stood by the door, hardly comprehending the gloom of their dorm. It was dark, the heavy curtains unusually pulled over the window, blocking out the last glow of evening. In fact, the only light source around was a dim orange candle, flickering helplessly in the chill as it cast shadows over James' stone face.

"Okay, I'm really sorry, but I'm about to cry: what the fuck is this shit?" Sirius whined as nothing changed in his friend's faces. Their intent stares stripped him bare, tearing open his skin until the matters of his mind spilt out like blood.

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