29| newness and creation

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"Damn, you've got a sexy dorm. Mine just has James' pants everywhere," Sirius said much too solemnly as he gazed in awe at the beautifully disastrous disarray of Remus' dorm.

"I tried to clean up for you, but I really just - I don't know how to," sheepishly admitted Remus, scratching his head in mild shame. Sirius cooed and entered the room after the indication of Remus welcoming him in.

The air was tinged with that specific smell of paint, like newness and creation, and Sirius felt at ease in the confinements of the dorm.

"Well, I didn't come here to bother with the 'mess' of your dorm," Sirius said, eyeing a painted canvas drying by the window. Remus' style was rather distinctive if you were to put it alongside other artists' work. You could tell what he did. His pieces were like never-ending revealings of his beauty, like as if there were minuscule words engraved over ever soft curve of a sunflower petal or over the tip of a mountain. In every brush stroke, Remus Lupin strived to pour beauty in to it.

Or maybe he didn't.

Perhaps it was all so natural to him that he didn't even know what he was doing anymore, but Sirius was so infatuated with his ways, with his calculating eyes and strong voice. Maybe it was just the light Remus basked in in the eye's of others, but there was no denying it - Sirius Black was truly and utterly hung on Remus Lupin.

"I don't think Trelawney will like it." Remus had already walked over towards it and tilted away from Sirius' view.

"Fuck. Just... holy fucking fuck. It's so gorgeous. You're so gorgeous, like hot fucking damn. How are you so good?" Sirius responded almost breathlessly. Remus flushed red and shrugged.

"I promised you nails, are you still up my offer?" Remus asked, very obviously changing the subject. Sirius tipped his head sideways, inspecting Remus.

What a difficult creature.

"I begged Lily for these, by the way. And Marlene. And Dorcas. And I borrowed some from the costume studio." Down on to his bed, Remus tipped out a nearly endless flow of nail polishes from a box.

Neon tones swam amongst duller ones, but damn, Sirius instantly knew what he wanted.

"Give me a black base but make 'em gay." Sirius waggled his nails in Remus' face and they caught in a single hand.

"Unfortunately, I can't turn everything gay, I'm not J-"

"Bitch, shut up. Take a moment, think, and let the gay consume you."

Remus was at loss for words, unable to to do nothing more than open his moth maybe once or twice as a feeble attempt to get words out, until he decided to take heed of Sirius' advice.

Shockingly enough, gayness swept the boy up in his arms and Remus was struck with a deliriously great idea.

"Do you think I could perhaps make teeny tiny lines over each of your nails in rainbow order. Like, they would almost look like spun sugar."

He delicately held Sirius' hand as he spoke, gently tracing his fingers over the nails of the other, so goddamn softly that Sirius had the ability to speak stripped away from him.

"Spun sugar because - because I'm sweet?" he just about choked out. Remus chuckled.

"Why not?" responded Remus. Sirius was simply unable to meet his eyes.

"Sometimes I just stop and think about it."

The few words floated in the air, forming a halo around both the boys as Remus intently focused on Sirius' quickly darkening nails.

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