23| chillingly complex

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That final game of chess ended up disintegrating in to something much more different. Remus found himself spilling over about his encounter with Regulus and the way Sirius' eyes widened as he intently listened, his heart pounding in his rib cage, physically ignited a sharp ache in Remus' upper torso.

It was hard for Sirius to remember that they were both still the talk of the school, and while it had decreased to nothing more than brief mentions of disbelief to the person's mates, it was still there and still so intrusive in the peaceful land that had become Sirius' mind. It made sure he knew that him finally bagging a date was huge news, much larger than it should've been.

It had even reached the ears of his brother, a person who didn't like to act during the drama that Sirius got himself in to. That stung horrifically.

Half an hour had passed since the boys retreated to their respected dorms to gather the last fragments of their sanity and now here they were, surrounded by many other drama-obsessed students as they sat in one of the larger dance rooms. No one had said anything about Remus and Sirius yet, and Remus was desperate to keep it that way. Due to this, he had taken to blabbering in the most refined way possible.

"Okay, so we've gone through the notes and the changes in costumes, so any questions?" He asked, breathing a sigh of relief as his mind decided it was time to stop.

Sixth year Jackson Perez stuck his hand up in the air.

"I mean, you can totally ignore this question if you want, I don't really mind, but what the hell is going on between Sirius and you? It's none of my business, I know, but the fuckin' amount of rumours is unsettling me and-"

"You can shut the fuck up now, love," Sirius reminded kindly, extending a friendly hand out on to his knee to the boy sat one place away from him on the bench.

"What sort of rumours?" Remus' heart stopped for a split second as he wondered what other students may have said about him. What their perception of him was.

Most of the time, Remus didn't bother to think about what everyone thought of him - or at least that's what he wanted the world to think. He wanted to appear nonchalant, because after a childhood spent worrying about his entire existence, he knew he couldn't suffer through it all again. He built up bars of hatred and locked his heart away in a rusting cage.

But slowly, things were coming undone.

Remus' heart was thawing at last.

"Er, well one that stuck with me was the one about Sirius had given you a blowie and then confessed his undying love for you and the amount of evidence backing that claim up is like, holy shit!"

Sirius sent a look Remus' way on the floor. The other performers in the blindingly bright room were also mumbling and adding on to Jackson's statement, referring to other rumours and other people's opinions.

"I also heard that you both were conversing through text when Sirius accidentally sent a dick pic to you which made you-"

The girl's friend beside her shoved her hard, needing her to shut up.

"Apparently, the both of you have been fuck buddies for a few months or so, and the night before that whole incident and both just sort of... confessed," Andrew stuttered awkwardly.

Remus bit hard down on the inside of his cheek.

"Well, I can rightfully say that none of those are true," he confirmed, locking his fingers together as he stood up, prepared to push everyone out of the room with no more talk of him and Sirius.

"Come on, though, there must have been something juicy, like a kiss or whatever," a brunette teased, throwing a careless hand out to exaggerate her statement.

"Bloody fuck, Remus!" exclaimed Sirius after a few moments of confused silence in the room.

"That doesn't sound very good."

Sirius' facial features scrunched up in bewilderment before it slapped him hard across the face. Bloody fuck.

A scattering of suppressed laughter broke the silence.

"Alright, pricks, up you get: I'm sure Filch's finished up cleaning the stage by now."

"Wow, Lupin, so demanding! You are just so hot!" dramatically flirted Sirius as they were filing out of the room. Remus shot a look back at him over his shoulder.

With red-tipped ears, he did something he never thought he'd ever do.

"Not too bad yourself, Black," he said back, instantly regretting it at the sound of his costars.

"Did he actually just-"

"What the fuck? Was that even Remus Lupin?" Another voice queried in shock.

"Yo, dude, no wonder Sirius wanted him. Sounds well dominant. The whore probably only wants that cock!"

"Oh, shut it, Ayan, don't be a fucktart. Slut-shaming is really fuckin' low of you, not gonna lie."

Remus knew the last voice was Alisha's and he appreciated her for that.

"I don't want you to go, Noah," whispered Oliver, the atmosphere dark and tense. He sat opposite the environmentalist, both of their sides facing out in to the open and their fingers edged closer to one another.

Noah wasn't able to meet the eyes of the boy he had fallen for in such a short period of time.

"Honestly, neither do I. Not anymore. This town... it's so different. There's places here, hidden amongst something much bigger, that are just quiet. They're peaceful and nothing goes wrong."

Oliver nodded, looking down at his lap.

"Just stay. You can stay and I will ensure your safety. It'll just be you and me." Oliver's voice bled passion and pain, so much so that the many students watching off stage were in literal awe.

They had a close up view and there were emotions rippling in the silver oceans of Sirius' eyes and every one of them were certain that their peers had the same feeling bubbling in their abdomen.

But for Remus, the ordeal was even more breathtaking. The boy sitting in front of him was a natural star, a being who's been through too much, but uses that to his advantage. He allowed himself to become a different person, yet kept elements of himself running through each and everyone.

Every character Sirius Black had played had been hurt, maybe just once and maybe not seriously, but they'd been hurt, and Sirius knew how to channel that in to his art.

He left stains of reality on such a chillingly complex painting.

dude, i am so sorry. this is late as shiet, and it's not the best. i have to wake up at half eight which is in like six hours, so fun. i'm getting my stationery and my extensive pe kit for school, which starts on the third of september. i can't stand not learning anything, but i can't bloody stand mEeTiNg NeW pEoPlE aNd SoCiAlIsInG. basically everyone i know starts school tomorrow and uhm, it's oof man. i finna miss my mates ughhh they're gonna forget about me.
see you next millennium

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