31| for you it could be an eternity

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Julian Fisher prided himself on being an intellectual. He was brighter than most because he actually understood the art of common sense.

It was at the breakfast of a dreary Monday when he really began to respect that.

"Julian, I still don't understand it," Livia Abinesh said that morning all of a sudden. So suddenly that Julian wasn't even listening to her before and had to take an earphone out.

Her challenging, dark brindled eyes inherited from her Arabian father stood out and flashed with judgement. They contrasted against the loose strands of dirty blonde hair framing her face, just like her Greek mother's and if Julian had been slightly more awake, he surely would've felt mild intimidation.

"What?" Julian woke up already feeling horrific because not only was his phone on four percent, but Otto's girlfriend was in his bed and that's gross.

He had just about forgotten her moans.

Also, no, he didn't care that they've all had to listen to his sex before.

"Just being with Sirius Black. Because yeah, it's been a slight while, but everyone's acting like it never happened. You constantly slept with a whore and now you say you're 'friends' with him? What the fuck?" She sipped her tea with her eyebrows raised. Her friends Tristi and Mara sniggered stupidly at either side.

A sixth year Gryffindor sitting behind Tristi perked up at the stupidity of the conversation and alerted Sirius Black, who was sitting a mere four seat away from her. He cut off his conversation with James Potter and turned her way.

Soon enough, a small chunk of Gryffindor table was listening in incredulously.

Remus began to slow clap.

"What a thorough analysis of my inner feelings, Livia. I have never been more astounded by an incredibly deep understanding of me as a human being and the emotions I feel. I am eternally grateful for your assistance."

"Oh, and don't overlook my thanks too! Yes, you made me realise that I was a slut and everything I did should haunt me for the rest of my life. Of course you're right! You are just bloody incredible, you are, Liv, I truly do love you."

"I didn't mean it like that, I just-"

"I didn't mean it like that, I just-" Julian mocked irritably as a blush dusted Livia's pale cheeks.

"You're picking up the sarcasm well," Remus complimented after Sirius turned back round on the bench to complete his breakfast of egg and soldiers. He smirked and winked at the other.

"That's it, Remus, give your performance some more oomf! Yes, show passion! You love Oliver with all your body, even if you don't know it."

"Miss, I'm sorry but the height difference is major. I wrote the scene, I know how frustrating Noah is, but he has a reason to be when Oliver is like this. He's so small! Just look at him!" Remus complained, breaking character as he pointed to the boy who was desperately trying not to laugh.

"Bitch, it's not my fucking fault that you're taller than the Empire State-"

"Mr Black, language," Miss Allen-Parker (another drama teacher in Hogwarts) warned , but there was a hint of a smile in her voice.

"Sorry, but I'm not wrong. I need a ladder just to reach your toes."

"Foot fetish?" Remus whispered almost inaudibly as Miss Allen-Parker giggled her pitchy laugh.

"Cliché! So very cliché!" Harold cried, a stray neon green feather boa strung around his neck excessively as he ran on to the stage, disappearing in a split second. While the teacher's head was turned, Remus flipped him off as he retreated backstage.

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