19| madness ensued

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"My mates are in the common room, I can sense it."

Remus rolled his eyes as they stood in front of the door which was cleverly disguised as a portrait. The lady whose, quite honestly, wide body was draped elegantly in pearly silks, sheer gossamer running around puffed sleeves and gleaming pearls strung around his thick neck almost seemed to looked down at the boy's fondly, her glass of red wine raised with pride.

Remus found the painting quite alluring, he always had, but he was never sure why.

Turning at the awkward sensation only felt when being stared at, Remus looked down at Sirius who seemed to be focussing all too hard on the black tips of his shoes.

"Thanks, by the way," whispered Sirius, whose fingers were rubbing together in embarrassment.


"Just... just for giving me a chance. I know it sounds stupid and all, but I know what everyone thinks about me."

"Shut up, really. I don't care about any of that. I like you for you and I think you underestimate how much you mean to people. I'm beginning to feel again because of you, and I understand that everything doesn't have an explanation. The people who have taken you don't define you. I'm happy to say that I'm the one who gets to take you to for a Butterbeer."

Remus then did the unexpected. In just the second as he pulled the door open, after typing in the password of course, he bent down, cupped Sirius' jaw once more and pressed a brief kiss to his lips. Sirius leant in to it naturally, but as Remus drew away and walked in to the common room, he was left dumbfounded.

"Oh, um, goodnight, to the both - sorry, three of you," Remus corrected as Sirius just about fell in to the common room. James and Peter were lounging lazily across the soft sofas of the room, seemingly bored as they waited upon Sirius' return. Now, though, at the sight of their best mate's very much flushed cheeks and the red colouring Remus' cheeks, their thoughts were running haywire.

"Goodnight to you too, Lupin." James winked at him as he waved, the slipping of his loose striped pyjama revealing a small tattoo of a skeleton because Sirius had said it would make him 'punk'.

That was all James really wanted.

"Night, Remus." Peter had his legs thrown over the back of the armrest as his head dangled on the recliner.

Remus smiled one last time and disappeared up the stairs to the boys' dorms.

"Alright, bitch, time to spill the tea. You look like you've been fucked in front of McGonagall and he, that pesky bitch, seems proud of himself. I swear to god, if he's done shit to you, I don't even care if he's Lily's best friend, his dick is going to be nicked," James threatened as he beckoned Sirius over to sit on the sofa beside him. Peter rolled over slowly in an extreme sloth-like manner.

"Prongs woke up maybe two minutes after you and he was very groggy and very sad because he thought that you went somewhere with someone and I don't think he thinks you deserve them."

Sirius shook the hair from his eyes and pulled his locks back on to a bun.

"I think I need a shoulder to fucking scream in to," Sirius whispered brokenly. Remus kissed him twice and was taking him out on Saturday. Oh, god.

James immediately pushed Sirius' head on to his shoulder as Peter jumped from his sofa to his friends'.

"Remus kissed me."

"He what? And you're here making me think he was horrid to you! Oh my god, Padfoot, this is excellent!"

"What was it like?"

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