24| kissing in the library

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Remus was back in his secluded corner of the library, the air of the place wrapping around him like a thick blanket.

If, you see, that blanket was woven from from soft cotton and angry red ants that irritate you skin at the slightest brush.

It was quickly becoming too hot and stuffy, the light outside was dimming and the the atmosphere was tense as many other students pored over large books and highlighted texts, struggling to absorb any information written. Madam Prince was patrolling the space while her beady, almost black eyes robotically scanned every pupil thoroughly.

Thin, grey eyebrows rose as she passed Remus Lupin. Her lips curled up in a pleased fashion, watching the young man work so hard.

"Ah, Remus Lupin! My favourite and most talented student!" the sharp, elderly woman marvelled at the young man who instantly looked up and smiled graciously at her.

Madam Prince was usually a rather levelheaded, no nonsense sort of person, who was very strict with students and curfews along with other stuff in that genre, but it was true, she had a soft spot for Remus.

He didn't really know why, to be totally honest.

"How's your evening going, Madam Prince?" asked Remus, mostly out of kindness. He'd grown to learn that the librarian wasn't all that bad, and that she had a sound knowledge of the library, which he supposed was expected seeing as she did run the place.

She also let him eat chocolate, which obviously made things ten times better.

The both of them conversed in a low whisper for no more than a few minutes before Madam Prince picked up on some strange noises coming from the far right corner of the spacious area.

She pricked up at it, nodded farewell to her most adored Gryffindor and prowled over.

Remus let out a sigh at her departure.

Leaning back on his chair, he took the opportunity to stretch, allowing his hands to relax and his muscles to loosen. It felt good and for ten seconds at most, peace cradled Remus. All around him was a complete silence, not a rustle of the books belonging to the students seated opposite the bookshelves, nor did it seem like there was anyone at all.

Then he shot out of paradise, heart palpitating madly in the matter of a few seconds.

He had a date tomorrow, it dawned on him.


And the very boy who he was taking out walked straight past his table, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Sirius," he hissed, hoping to not catch the attention of the librarian. She may have liked him, but she certainly wouldn't not tolerate a disturbance in a room where silence should be observed.

At the notice of his name, Sirius Black looked up, swivelled his head round in the direction of the voice and smiled weakly when he saw who it was.

"Hey," he whispered, seating himself down on one of those warmly familiar oak chairs. He was aware that his demeanour was visibly different, but he was fixated on making sure that it was not too questionable.

But Remus picked up on it all.

"Are you - are you alright?"

Sirius hummed in response, nodding. Remus still appeared hesitant. He tipped his head to the side, silently asking Sirius to move his chair around the square table so that they were closer together. Their conversation would be easier had this way, he decided.

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