22| seems like he cares

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On his way to Gryffindor Tower after a strenuous day of lessons, Remus adjusted the bag on his shoulders, the accessory weighted down with books which therefore resulted in a burning ache crawling around his neck area.

In two hours, Remus had a rehearsal to run, and this meant that a plethora of questions would be asked by his fellow costars about the whole Detached Boy and Whore Boy ordeal. He decided that it couldn't be too bad, because the team were -surprisingly- not the most direct. They understood their limits, thank god.

He was in the process of thinking of possible questions he could be asked when someone shoved him hard.

"Can you not - oh."

The frosted blue eyes of Regulus Black ripped through Remus' soul.

The boy glanced in both directions briefly, satisfied with the clear corridor.

"Fuck around with Sirius, I will end you. I don't give a damn if we're not as close as we used to be, but I'm not having him break all over again. Don't even dare to think of him as your little sex toy and act like you like him when you really don't." Regulus huffed heavily out of his nose, fingers curled tightly with his anger.

"I - okay." That seemed to be all Remus could muster. It was strange seeing knowing that Regulus was fifteen when his face carried many invisible lines. Regulus grew up too quickly, and it was so painfully clear to Remus. The boy had his childhood ripped away, and now Regulus Black lived as neither a boy nor man, or anything in between for that matter. He existed, knowing too much about the world, yet not knowing the important things. He was ignorant to things that mattered, the good things, and Remus related much too hard.

"Sirius still cares about you, you know." He found himself saying after a short pause. Stepping back abruptly, it looked as if an electrical current in the air had shocked Regulus suddenly.

"Does he now?" he mocked carelessly, but the tone of his voice didn't fool Remus.

In any other case with any other person, Remus would have just given up and walked away with a roll of his eyes, but now wasn't the time for such things.

"He does. And you know that."

Regulus' facial expression wavered, but he said nothing. His glare became sharper and it quickly became clear that he wanted nothing more to do with Remus.

The younger turned on his heel, ready to swiftly move away from the scene, but something stopped him in his tracks.

"Happy birthday for Sunday, by the way."

"Pardon?" asked Regulus, sending a look over his shoulder.

"Happy birthday. Sirius told me."

Regulus' heart stopped beating for a second. His bitter façade melted away for just a moment and he softened. Biting the inside of his cheek, he seemed to remember everything about the past, good memories included. Sirius still remembered him and still thought of him.


Ability to speak snatched away in an instant, Regulus only curtly nodded before leaving much too quickly. Remus was left frozen to the spot, the relaxed ambience of the stone corridor being quite soothing in a sense. You'd have never guessed that such a tense exchange had happened only moments ago.

sirius :)

play chess with me in the common room

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