4| for the sake of oblivion

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Sirius was entirely aware that he was The Slut™ behind the everyone's back, but that sadly didn't put him off. He could ignore it for the time being, because he knew he was a slut. A slag, a whore, a tart - he was the dirty secret that could never be said aloud. In truth, he wished that he never started fooling about to begin with; it only resulted in a busy schedule, a constantly sore arse and the knowledge that he was nothing more than a sex toy. He convinced himself in to thinking that he was satisfied with what he chose to do with his life, but it became harder to believe as he started to stare longingly at the very thing he could never have like a child at the window of the confectioners', empty pockets seeming larger than ever.

He took to the stimulation of a quick, rough shag whenever things just got too overwhelming, resulting in the deterioration of his mindset. It was simple enough to become blissfully blinded by the pleasure of intercourse, but Sirius knew that he had regret plastered on to his marked skin every time he took a shower to rinse away his sins.

He overlooked it all, every single time, for the sake of oblivion.

Where's the fun in thinking and knowing?

Lips were harshly pressed against Sirius' as he was forced back against on of the honey wood panels on the wall of a Hufflepuff dormitory. His eyes were closed, focusing only (albeit hardly) on the quickly heating body with a strong grip on his waist. Marcel Naeem was a boy who whined a lot when things didn't go his way and in all honesty, Sirius found him a such a bore and Marcel found Sirius not only a whore, but a narcissistic bitch, but alas, they met in heated fury once more as they tugged on each other's trousers and shirts, desperate for exposed skin.

"Fuck..." Sirius managed to get out as an impossibly fiery mouth connected to the skin of his collarbone, trailing down to his chest as a taunting chuckle tickled his bare upper body.
"I make you completely and utterly speechless, don't I? Lovely change from your obnoxiously big mouth. You really do need to shut up-"
"Piss off, hypocrite. You're making yourself sound absolutely daft," Sirius scornfully scoffed, biting back an obscene noise as teeth sank in to his flesh.

After finishing (literally, he finished), Sirius returned to Gryffindor Tower, had a shower, then came back downstairs and in to the common room, greeting James and Peter with a simple 'sup, bitches.
"Did you have fun?" James teased as his concentration was broken. Every spare moment of the day, he had been perfecting the strategies that needed to be used for Gryffindor's football match next Saturday against Slytherin. He'd been drawing plans for the positions and working his team players to absolute death; it seemed he didn't really care about anyone resting anymore as almost every day, they'd all rise early in the morning and finish probably half an hour before breakfast. It was plain ridiculous but was quite rewarding in the end.

"I suppose it was alright. Sex just becomes sex after a while, my dear lovelies," Sirius dramatically sighed as he plopped himself down on the sofa in between his friends, hand delving in to Peter's bag of extremely cheesy Wotsits when offered. Sirius shudders slightly at its saltiness, but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't used to the saltiest of things or substances.
"Who did the naughty with you this time?" Peter asked quite casually. To an outsider, the normality of their conversation may have felt slightly gross because bloody hell, these boys had grown up together and suddenly they were talking about Sirius' sex partners as if it were as mild as the weather. James and Peter didn't mind about what Sirius did in his free time as long as it was consensual and safe, but they both knew it wasn't always good on Sirius' head.

"It doesn't matter. Prongs, you do know you can stop doing whatever you're doing, right? Slytherin aren't that good."

"It's much more boring when you're not here, Padfoot. All he does is chew on the end of his pen and completely ignore me! And so I just have to busy myself with eating," Peter vented for a second. Sirius laughed as he took another Wotsit from him at the mention of eating.

"Oh, shut it, you mighty prick. And actually, Ryan Flint is plotting something, I know he is. They've been trying to get loads of practices in, or else Slytherin will win the fucking trophy and I am not having that. That sexist piece of shit needs to be put to rest."
James said that all in two breaths at most and Sirius and Peter gave each other a slightly fearful look. The common room was incredibly stuffy and it was almost as if James' burning glare pierced their skins.
"Yeah, he is a bit of a twat, isn't he? I have drama practice with my, hear this, practise partner, Remus Lupin." Sirius shuffled excitedly on the plush, red sofa as he adjusted himself so he was sitting cross-legged.
"What's a practise partner again?" Peter asked hesitantly. He felt as though he should've remembered but he really didn't remember the last time Sirius had a 'practise partner'.
"Stay motivated learning those lines with your own personal slave." Sirius clicked his tongue, shooting an enthusiast finger gun at Peter, but James saw the tint of pink on his cheeks through the warm lights of the Gryffindor common room.

He knew why, because Sirius himself hardly really ever found joy in practising with another student because, quite frankly, there was no fun in the waiting for the questions that he was bound to get. Did he have a secret boyfriend? Was he planning on meeting someone after he finished their quick rehearsal? Was it actually fun being a slut?

Sirius never cared for such enquiries, mostly because he knew that he deserved them. He brought them upon himself so he must trudge through the consequences whether he liked it or not. Though surely, he told himself, around three months left at Hogwarts and its students wouldn't really amount to much in the near future.


sorry for the late chapter! i didn't even notice lmao! i got new glasses today and they kind of really hurt. i was extremely overdue for an appointment and in that time period my eyes had worsened so much so my new prescription is suuuper strong. bUt OtHeR tHaN tHaT i Am CoPiNg ;(
i have my play on the eighth of july and i'm ndjsjsjajakak.
see you next millennium

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