20| believe in it all

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The thoughts of Sirius Black swarmed Remus' mind as he stirred his porridge around continuously in his bowl. The ghost of his lips against his own, the softness of Sirius' hand over his, the warmth of his smooth skin and the natural appeal of his ever so quiet head hadn't managed to leave Remus throughout the night.

But madly, he didn't seem to mind it. In fact, he could even say he liked it; it reminded him constantly that the person he'd been unknowingly admiring for months now was nearly his own. Only a few more steps, a few more trials, and if all went positively, then maybe Remus could believe in it all again.

"Why the hell are you ignoring my messages? You didn't mean any of it, we both know that," claimed Marcus after sending fleeting glances in Sirius' way for a few minutes. Sirius looked up from his fried egg with tomato ketchup squirted on it in in the shape of a smiley face (courtesy of James Potter) and straight at the boy who he had gladly and thankfully ditched not too many hours ago.

"Don't lie to yourself, you know I meant it. And thank the devil I do, honestly. I don't need and you don't need me. It's simple as that," explained Sirius with a mere shrug of the shoulders. He watched as Marcus' usually dull brown eyes washed over with blindingly hot fury. But Sirius didn't flinch at the change; he bore it on proudly instead.

"Whatever's going on in that pretty little head of yours, Princess, isn't going to last. You'll come running back to me in no time whatsoever, so don't get cocky."

The words didn't reach Sirius. They floated about the air, surrounded by an angry crimson fog, but still, the words had no effect on him whatsoever. Smiling, Sirius raised an eyebrow, silently asking if Marcus had anything
else to add.

"Hi there, little bitch, I couldn't help but overhear the bullshittery flopping out of that big gob of yours while I passing to nick some of some of your lot's juice, and I would just like to tell you that my motherfucking bro, has better things to do than salivate over your teeny weeny peen." A pair of dark hands pressed themselves against Marcus' shoulders, making him turn in disgust.

"Oh, fuck off, Fisher. What, are you trying to tell me the slag's been asked out?"

Marcus found the smile on the Ravenclaw's face too bright and too sweet, which was more than bothersome.

"Don't fucking call Sirius that, you dick. And yeah, by the way, he has been asked out. By me."

Heads turned in the direction of the new voice. Mouths fell agape at the statement, but the reactions didn't faze Remus. With gleaming pride shining in his eyes, he stared at them all back, the sound of his chest thumping loudly in his ears. Julian nodded with pride.

"Tell me another joke, Lupin. Poor you, thought you had more common sense than that, really," insulted Marcus, who wished the flush on his cheeks would disappear.

No matter the circumstance, the one person Marcus knew not to mess with was Remus Lupin. He knew he wasn't the type of guy who'd beat you up in a heartbeat, but he was the type of person to burn you with such ease and levelheadedness that it became chilling. You could lose your reputation up against Remus, and boy, did everyone know it.

"I do. Lots of it. But I understand if the upsettingly small box of your mind struggles to comprehend anything with an IQ of over 53."

Remus lost himself in the moment, fatigue fiddling with his senses and the circular shapes of people's lips practically getting ready to spread rumours angering his inner conscience.

He bit down hard on his lip.

"Fuck yeah, bitch, you tell him," Sirius encouraged, snapping his fingers sassily. James shook his head fondly at his mate before sending a uplifting hand gesture Remus' way.

The focus on Sirius and Remus grew considerably out throughout the day, and as he was crossing through a corridor to his final lesson, a hand dug its nails in to his palm.

"You've got a fuck ton of explaining to do, bitch," Lily informed, green irises dancing with passion for her friend's love life.

"I was going to tell you, honest! I just... forgot even though it's been in my head for hours."

He looked down at his petite, red headed friend and smiled apologetically at her.

"Well, you can tell me about it all through Art. And you're not allowed to miss a single detail, or I'll have your head," Lily threatened, calmly looping her arm in to Remus' as they walked towards their Art classroom.

"And students, may I remind you of the importance of checking horoscopes before getting in to relationships. They truly do show a lot about a person," advised Professor Trelawney, the mad Art teacher who transformed their painting-adorned classroom in to a rainforest with her oddly soft and drawn out voice. Remus hated her.

A student in the far corner put their hand up, tearing their eyes away from their landscape with a smirk on their face.

"Professor, I have a question."

Professor Trelawney nodded at Enlai Yang, allowing him to speak.

"What's the astrological compatibility between a Pisces and a Scorpio?"

Remus stopped shading the cloud he was currently working on while he muttered to Lily in a low voice about his story.

"Mr Yang, I thought you were an Aquarius?"

"How can you - well, I am. But the question isn't for me," Enlai admitted, the corners of his lips still tilted upwards in the most infuriating manner (at least thought by Remus).

"Well, you see, Pisces and Scorpios are very wonderful signs. Seeing as they are both water signs, they share a deeper emotional connection that most could apprehend. A strong spiritual connection joining them from their hearts. And there is also a physical-"

"Professor Trelawney, my azure ran out, can I borrow some?" Emily Davids, a Pisces whose ex was a Scorpio, blandly asked, bored of the topic.

"Oh, but of course! Blue is a staple in many pieces because of its..."

Remus stopped listening to her bullshit at that point. Instead, he looked at Lily, who had a small grin on her face.

"Alright, so Lupin, you heard the Professor. She was gonna say something about a physical connection or whatever, so are you sure you're not with Black because of his body?" Enlai pushed his dark hair back, eyebrows raised teasingly. Many other students in the room either tutted loudly or snickered quietly.

"Fuck off, why are you so interested anyway? Don't you have better things to do like, I don't know, learn to draw hands?"

Sadly, Remus, one cannot just learn to draw hands: it's a talent blessed at birth.

oof. this is shit. and it took way too long i'm sorry. next chapter should be on time and hopefully, hopefully, will be better. BUT BITCHES, THANK YOU SO MUCH FIR FIVE HUNDRED VOTES ON THIS BOOK, AND THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR TWO HUNDRED FOLLOWERS!!!! I AM STILL SCREAMING. this is crazy i cannot believe this has happened. i'm so grateful! i never thought i'd come this far tbh lol. i love you all!
see you next millennium

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