28| the sky is falling

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The world is but a polluted sphere lone in a dark, unfathomable stretch of universe. We - just you and me and seven billion others - are the beings who roam the crumbling surface everyday.

Why are we here?

The colours around us whirl in a perilous blur and we are simply locked in the bloodied battlefields of our minds. So many of us would take little time to stop and open our eyes just that little bit wider.

Out in the streets, it's only the warning of tardiness or lack of interest that bothers us. The strings of today's leaders absolutely entangle us, until we live as nothing more than puppets.

The sky is falling and the trees are on fire. We are suffocating, choking, on the demands of our lives. We are taught about democracy and freedom but we are never ever free. Freedom is only a dream. Capitalist giants play God and use the Earth that once flourished as its game.

The corporations simply don't care for the ablaze greenery or the thawing ice. They are blind and deaf and greedy. So damn greedy.

I want to fall in love with the world. Not exactly the one that I see in the movies, the ones that stretch out in to the sweetest green, that have undulating hills and flowers scattered in every corner.

It sounds beautiful, yes, but I want to fall in love with reality. I want to stare up in to the sky and marvel at her strength. Love a planet that's been truly famished of it.

The lighting dropped, and beams of bright streamed in from different angles. It appeared to be warm, but as Alisha (the actress who played Anika) stood stiffly centre stage, her presence distorted the softness of the room in to that of an icy blow.

"Don't you just love it?" she called out to no one in particular, her voice rising as she smiled the falsest smile.

"Love how every person in every corner seems to act like they know what they're doing? You know, they pretend like they've got it all sorted out and life is nothing but a leisurely walk in the park. Well unfortunately, as the sky is falling and the trees are burning , I no longer believe we have anything to live for. We have no tomorrow, so why, just why should I bother?"

Her voice wavered as she glared around at the drapes on set, the luxurious parlour of Mayor Labrine's house truly becoming more and more realistic.

"Darling, would you care for some tea? You'll be playing your violin for hours on end at the Mayor's party! Have you seen the decorations for Elizabeth's party? You'd never believe she was turning just seventeen!" Annelise, a maid, giggled sweetly, placing down a gold-rimmed tea cup with a matching tea pot.

"She's a brat, anyway. Eating away at father dearest's money."

Annelise looked doubtful, loose strands of auburn hair pushed back behind her ears as she adjusted her bun for about the fiftieth time that day.

Remus watched off stage, sucking in the air between his teeth.

"We need different lighting. It doesn't work here," he mumbled as Sirius sat tiredly amongst a small group of other actors just off stage, waiting for their turn.

"Oh, do shut up, Remus, you've thought about this for way too long. It's perfect, it really is. We could perform tomorrow and we would be ready, I know we would," he groaned, folding his arms and staring unfalteringly as Remus glared back at him.

"Trouble in paradise, boys?"

"I swear to god, Malcolm, I will peel your eyelids away from your stupid eyeballs and ejaculate on to them."

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