34| engaged to a rat shit

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"Right, hello, fuckers, it's performance night today! This is... okay, yep, this is nice. We're fine. Um..."

Sirius lunged himself at Remus and took him in to his arms.

"Aw, you lot, Remus is worried! Because this is his first performance ever-"

"And because I spent four months writing this play and if it isn't perfect I will cry."

"Pardon, Remus, but are you underestimating us? Are you underestimating yourself? Because no, no, no, that's not the spirit of a drama kid," Olive folded their arms, staring hard at Remus across the stage unfalteringly. Their gaze remained focused even after Remus started chuckling nervously.

A group of about forty students (including technicians, makeup artists, dressers and designers) were stretched out across the stage. Some were in little clusters, discussing the ideal performance, some were catching up on books, some were even singing songs from a multitude of musicals.

But the moment Remus spoke, everyone turned his way.

"Reeeeemus!" Lily extended the first vowel longer than was necessary. She fell down on to the bench he was sitting on as he nibbled on a cheese and pickle sandwich.

"And just when I thought I had found a space of solitude, dear Lily Evans meanders down those steps to disturb my peace," moaned Remus, who desperately craved for just a few moments where he could try and order the mess of his head, but he himself didn't really such a power.

"Oh, be quiet. How're you feeling?"

Lily was a strange soul. She gave the outward appearance of eternal gentility and calmness, almost like fizzling waves over coastlines or buzzing strings of a guitar under sunsets, however internally, she overflowed in resoluteness and supremely sexual jokes. With not a care in the world, her smiles were pride iced on to cupcakes, slight exhibitionistic nature mixed in tequilas, but she managed in a way that was tolerable. Likeable.

To eleven-year-old Lily Evans, he wanted to thank her for the girl she was and the best friend she would grow to be.

"You know, I'm feeling like how I do every year when it's the last production of the year, except this year the feelings are augmented by a thousand percent because it's the last one I'll ever do and I've got to go out with a bang, and I also play a main character who loves my - my thingy which means I have to try and portray that realistically enough without consuming too much of my true self in to Noah. But yeah, I'm pretty fan-fucking-tastic."

Lily exhaled, at loss for words. It was a usual reaction from Remus and she had predicted it, but she response she had formulated in her head no longer seemed fitting.

"Remus, you've worked your arse off for this. You know you have. And at this rate, your worst expectation will literally be the very thing that will blow their minds. When I read the script for the first time, I didn't tell you this because it's embarrassing, but I teared up towards the end. You could see what you had put in to that script. And watching the rehearsals, the refinements, just all of it, has been magical. It's really good, Remus, and I'm so excited for today. You can do this."

Remus didn't speak for a few moments. He replayed his friend's speech over in his head a few times instead.

"You know, Lily," Remus said, pushing on Lily's head irritably, "James is lucky to pretty much engaged to a rat shit."

"Oh, and don't get me wrong, Sirius Black, your thingy, as you so eloquently put it, is lucky to be most definitely engaged to a slag whose bitchiness is measured in his height."

Lily dug her nails in to the arm of Remus' jumper.

Hogwarts' headmaster Albus Dumbledore had appointed a whole school assembly the evening before, reiterating the news of Nature's Sound so reasonably enough, adrenaline was on a high that day. The contagious excitement of the performers along with the posters from over a week ago that were being increasingly looked at added to the whole feel of the day.

Every single one of the stars were hyped up nothing short of fifteen times.

Remus was even encouraged by none other than Regulus.

It was a simple good luck passing game n the corridors, but my, did Remus almost trip over his own feet. How is he even supposed to react in front of the typically aloof brother of his thingy?

Sirius was walking just paces behind and saw the entire interaction with an expression of raised eyebrows until it morphed in to realisation.

"Look at you, talking to my erm, thingy," Sirius teased, gripping Regulus' arm as he passed by.

"Your... what?"

"Well, I mean it's difficult, I suppose, because there's not a clear-"

"I'm brief, he's not your boyfriend?"

Sirius shook his head.

"How on earth is that even possible?"

"I don't know, why don't you go ask him?" responded Sirius plainly, voice bored and dull. Regulus shrugged as if he was genuinely considering it.

"Don't you dare, Reg."

"I suppose I won't, partially because I don't want to look him in the eye again knowing that he actually chose to like you-"

"Fuck off, some of us are actually chased."

"Bold of you to assume I'm not," retorted Regulus smugly, leaving his older brother open mouthed as he gently pushed past him to get to History.

Frank, Gideon and Fabian warily looked at one another.

"Spit it out already, you fuckers! I have to go in like ten seconds, and then I'll have to run across the whole fucking school and that's disgusting."

Shaking his head, Gideon was the first to pipe up.

"We're just proud of you, Rem. You know, I still remember your sorry arse at eleven hardly mumbling a single word and today, you're about actually be on stage. Fuck, it's an achievement, bro, I swear."

Squinting, a pair of amber eyes followed through the entire room, surveying each boy thoroughly.

The faces that stared back at him didn't change.

"I don't-"

"Basically," Fabian burst at last after Frank's very awkwardly phrased compliment, "we adore you very much, you gorgeous motherfucker. And I don't know, you just don't get told enough."

Typically, the boys weren't all softness and sugar lollipops; in fact, they were the opposite in some fields with their constant lethal remarks about one another and items that they'd throw simply out of boredom. But there were times when they truly came in to their being and accepted each other, bitchiness and all.

"I think... you are all pretty neat too, but not in the gay way-"

"Yes, in the gay way, actually!"

"No, shut up, Gideon! He's gay for Sirius Black-"

Fabian's (factual) claim was cut off by a yelp after being hurled an empty pencil pot.

this chapter is a little bit late - sorry! next chapter is the last chapter and i genuinely think i might need to make it long, so sorry if it's even later, or it might end up being average length, so sorry for that.
i'm planning on doing a sort of coffee shop au after this except it's sort of not?? the main focus is art and colours and people and uh, yeah.
aLsO, i fucking start school on monday and sCREEEEEEEEECH ew so if i'm still writing the last chapter (+ bonus) it mighty take even longer??
what is this a/n???
oh and i'm nearly at three hundred followers can we get an ameen for the tears i have cried when my entire account and books flopped and for the days that have improved when people are too nice to me (i love you all so much istg thank you genuinely i make jokes about it but you are all incredible aeywywyahgsgshwiwks)
see you next millennium

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