12| blind to your blessings

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There was no doubt about Sirius' deep affection for his girls, Marlene, Dorcas, Lily and Alice. Sometimes, their company seemed better than going around for a mindless fuck or playing so much Minecraft by himself that he got motion sickness. No, he quite enjoyed their presence over the rowdiness of his everyday life. He'll admit, they aren't all soft airs and graces, but what they are are spectacular women who will freely let Sirius bitch about anything and anyone.

"Ugh, literally no man deserves you, Sirius," Dorcas sighed to Sirius through the mirror, standing behind him as he sat in a spinning chair as to let her work her magic on his hair.

"I know, honestly, I do, but fucking hell, men are so attractive." Sirius punctuated his words with bold hand movements. Dorcas' soft hands gently pulled some hair from behind his ears around his face, the midnight darkness of her skin contrasting beautifully against Sirius' alabaster complexion.

"Hm, I suppose they're alright. But the girls are more certainly my type." Dorcas turned her back to gaze at her winking girlfriend who was sprawled over Lily Evan's bed. She seemed to be being painted on by her redheaded goddess of a mate, but Sirius didn't really have a good view from the reflection from the mirror.

"What's it like being in love?" Sirius asked in wide-eyed wonder, twiddling his thumbs nervously at his strange question. Dorcas brushed his hair thoughtfully, not even allowing her eyes to flicker up.

"I don't really know. It feels so normal now, like this constant feeling of warmth and admiration in my stomach. I feel beautiful because Marlene makes sure that she tells me that. She tells me that my shape and size is stunning, but she likes my head. My thoughts and my 3 AM poetry."

"Your oversized collection of stuffed animals?" Sirius added a little jokingly though still hushed to match the volume of their quiet conversation.

"Oh, be quiet! The main message is that I'm loved solely for being me and I love Marlene for solely being her. We're proud of that. And I'll tell you something: don't be blind to your blessings. Seize them while you have the chance because it could be gone in a blink. Be a thirsty bitch: it's the best thing ever," Dorcas advised wisely. Sirius' face split in to a smile at her last sentence but he still too heed of her main message. Julian probably made a good decision on gently propelling Sirius to make a pact between the both of hem saying that he would definitely tell Remus of his longtime crush on him before the end of school, which wasn't actually that long.

"I fucking love you, bitch."

"Oi, Sirius! You trying to nick me bird? We're getting married you know, don't be a homewrecker!"

Alice practically wet herself hearing Marlene's overly posh accent bent and twisted to say nick me bird as it sounded completely and utterly ridiculous in all honesty.

"Sorry, but your girlfriend is honestly the best thing on this planet and I want her to be mine."

"Aw, babygirl, you're too sweet."

The three girls and Sirius watched Lily try and hide a very wide grin on her face but fail miserably as a rosy glow spread across her freckled cheeks.

"Lily, you have quite a few smiles," Alice started, her legs crossed tightly as she played loud music from her phone which was sitting in her lap.

"And the one currently on your face isn't your Remus-Just-Sent-Me-A-Really-Weird-Meme smile," Dorcas continued, beaming cheekily.

"Nor is it the I'm-Gonna-Murder-This-Fucking-Bitch psycho smile." Marlene inspected her nails as her free hand brushed over Dorcas' corn rows as he head rested in her lap.

"Which leaves it to only be the smile that my affectionate mate gives you when he's being daft," finished Sirius, lacing his fingers together happily. Lily rolled her green eyes, her face still dusted a blotchy pink.

"Shut up, the lot of you," Lily mumbled, embarrassed, as she tried to cover her face secretively.

The other four shared knowing a knowing glance.

"I fucking love him, holy shit," Lily almost squealed and Sirius chuckled. James sometimes stressed in their dorm, wondering if he was treating Lily like she deserved to be, even though he received constant reassurance from his girlfriend that he was doing everything right. James was whipped and there was no doubt of his love for Lily Evans.

"You are both so cute!" Alice cooed, the ends of her short hair meeting her fingertips as she held her face with her hands adoringly.

"This really isn't fair. Why doesn't anyone love meeeee?" Sirius whined, Lily's soft sheets rumpling as he collapsed face-first on to them.

"Love will be knocking on your doorstep in no time, Sirius. And I'm never wrong," Lily declared, patting Sirius' back gently as he lay beside her. He sat up once more, an unbelieving look printed on his face.

"Well, there's a first time for everything."

"Alright, listen here your gorgeous bastard." Marlene jabbed her finger in to his chest, "I am going to find you a boyfriend and you will love it."

The girls began to name names.

"Well, you've been around with every seventh year boy who likes boys and isn't in a relationship-"

"And we pretty much despise each other," Sirius interrupted before Alice could get anymore ideas.

"What about Julian?" Marlene suggested, tying her long blonde hair up in to a ponytail. It seemed that after years of having to pull it up in such a way for football she'd gotten extremely good at doing them quickly and neatly.

"Oof, definitely not. He's the best one out of the lot of them and definitely my best friend after Prongs and Wormy-"

"Sorry, pardon?" Dorcas looked confused.

"James and Peter, they have nicknames," Lily clarified quickly, waving a nonchalant hand in her direction while she made a small coo of content.

"Just... I can't have Julian as my boyfriend. Eurgh, it makes me feel a little weird thinking of him like that, to be honest."

"I know I'm a lesbian in a very committed relationship with my sweet potato," Marlene crooned as she hopped Dorcas' nose, "but I heard Julian gives some really good sex. Like really good."

"Who told you that?" Sirius didn't recall telling anyone that and from what he knew, Julian didn't have another sexual partner and if he did, goddamnit, they should probably get together.

"You did when we getting blackout drunk a few months ago," Marlene said causally and Lily raised her eyebrows with a look of disdain on her face.

"Oh, then drunk me was right. It's mind-blowing. But I'd be able to live without it, to be honest."

"Well, then I have no clue who to couple you up with," Marlene groaned, her back hitting a pillar of the bed.

"There's still, you know..."

The topic Dorcas seemingly wanted to talk about was like hot coal she was dancing around.

"Who?" Alice asked, her brown pixie cut slightly disheveled as she had been laying down for a few minutes.

"Oh, actually, you're right," Lily agreed, nodding her head thoughtfully at Dorcas.

"Go on, stop stalling."

"Remus. I mean, I know he's not the most," Lily said then thought for the correct word, "social, but you guys are working together for the play, right? That's like, cheesy romance level 9000."

Sirius let out a short laugh.

"Don't be ridiculous, Lils. I don't think he'd ever be interested."

sirius and his girls make me soft. somehow, this chapter made me appreciate this dorcas and sirius bromance that i didn't even know existed lol. dorcas is a beautiful black pillow princess and she doesn't care who knows it. my friend and i were on call today and we have a very jokey, not at all serious bond and i really don't think i should call at night because i nearly pissed myself. because we played an alliteration game. he and i made an alliteration game funny. aren't we just legends?
see you next millennium

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