Pain Manipulation

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I think he may be the most handsome boy I've ever seen in my life.

I was speechless. He had half red, half white hair and heterochromia eyes. I could confidently say that he is the hottest guy I've ever seen, even with a scar over his left eye. It adds character.

"Are you okay?" He asked, staring at me with curiosity. At that moment I felt my face heat up as I blushed.

I stammered, "Um y-yea... s-sorry for not paying a-attention." I stared at the ground, praying to whatever God that was listening to get me out of this embarrassing situation.

"Where are you heading?" The boy asked.

"Um. . . Class 1-A." I continued to stare at my shoes with intensity.

"Me too." The boy said. He turned around, ready to walk to the classroom. "Come on, let's walk together."

I glanced up at his beautiful eyes, and nodded. We walked side by side down the hallway. "My name's Todoroki."

"Nice to meet you, Todoroki." I kept staring straight ahead. I was scared that if I looked at him, I'd literally die of embarrassment. My face was so red. I let a strand of hair fall in front of my face to shield my rosy cheeks. "My name's (L/N)."

I saw Todoroki give a curt nod in response to my name in the corner of my eye. I took a shaky breath, trying to cool down. This was so not cool. I could see my best friend making fun of me if he was here at the moment.


I closed my eyes and sighed. Of course my best friend would show up right at this moment.

I slowly turned around and saw him running straight towards me with his stupid giant smile plastered on his face. He caught up with me and Todoroki, who had kindly stopped, either to wait for me or see how this plays out. Or both.

"Hey, Denki." I said, uneasy.

He gave me a huge hug. "I haven't seen you in forever! I missed you dude!"

Over the break before school started I got a second job, trying to make as much money as possible without school getting in the way. I hardly saw anyone because of it. However, I quit both of them last week in order to focus solely on my dream of becoming a hero, just like my mom.

"Yea, I'm so sorry I haven't made time for you." I said.

Just as I thought I could get rid of my blush, Todoroki asked from behind me, "Is this your boyfriend?"

I spun around. "No! No, just friends." I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. "I am totally and completely single."

"Oof, I just got friendzoned." Denki laughed. I turned and punch him in the arm.

"What class are you in?" I asked.


"Dude, shut up." I smiled ear to ear. "Me too!"

"Awesome! We're totally gonna breeze through this!" Denki yelled in excitement. I laughed at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Like you'll pass with ease at a school like U.A."

We decided to finally walk to our class. When I turned around, Todoroki was gone. He must've left when I was distracted by Denki. I figured I'd apologize to him later.

The class 1-A door was huge. Ten meters tall, at least. "There are people our age that are that tall?" Denki asked in shock.

"Well look at Mount Lady. She might appreciate a taller door if she were to grow in size."

Ghostly Flames [Todoroki x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now