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After everything that's happened, it wasn't hard to nod off and slip into the darkness.

I found myself at (Y/N)'s place. There wasn't anywhere else I wanted to be, besides where she is right now. But I knew I had to get some sleep.

First, I stopped by and snuck into my house to steal an extra pair of clothes. I left a note on the kitchen for Fuyumi that merely told her I was okay.

As soon as I walked through the door to her apartment, her strong scent hit me like a wave. Maybe it was strong because I couldn't stop thinking about her, about how I failed her. And Bakugo.

Setting my bag down on the floor, I slowly peered in her bedroom. A small part of me hoped to see her sleeping soundly, but the only sight before me was a messy, unmade bed.

Taking a deep breath, I went ahead and made her bed for her. Then, as to not disturb her room, I shut the door and laid down on the couch, as I had many times before.

"Shoto. . . Please save me. You're my hero."

I could hear her voice in my head.

Sighing, I rolled over. You can't save her if you don't have any energy. I relaxed, letting some the tension fade away. I was finally able to get some much needed sleep.
The sunrise woke me up as I yawned. My eyes wandered to the clock. That was a good four hours of sleep.

I couldn't just sit here while my favorite person in the whole wide world was in danger. Quickly, I took a shower and made myself some breakfast - I'm sure (Y/N) wouldn't mind. Then, without any other ideas, I went to the hospital where most of the class was being kept.

"Todoroki?" A voice called out to me as I was waiting for the elevator.

I raised an eyebrow. "Kirishima? What are you doing? Are you injured?"

He nervously chuckled as he stood by my side. "Nah, I was back at camp the whole time. I just feel helpless sitting at home, you know?"

I nodded, focusing on the metal doors in front of us. "I know exactly what you mean."

Silently, the two of us agreed to see the rest of our classmates that were injured. All of them were surprised and happy to see the two of us. I couldn't smile. Not without (Y/N) here.

Around lunchtime, I heard All Might's voice from behind a corner. I froze, putting my hand up to block Kirishima from walking. "Dude what - "

"Shh." I put a finger to my lips.

". . . location on my phone is on. If I had a computer I could find it."

"Why did you have your phone? I thought students weren't allowed to have them?" It was the police chief.

"One of the girls from the other class, the invisible one. . . I asked her to steal it for me."

"Young Awase, what you did was wrong. But now, we have a chance to both stop the League of Villains and save our lost students. I thank you for your quick decision making."

"Here. Login." The chief of police was followed by the clacking of a keyboard.


I slowly peeked my head around the corner. The student from class 1-B had a laptop facing All Might, the police chief, and me. It displayed a map of Yokohama, in Kamino Ward. I hastily dug my own cell phone out and took a picture of the map before grabbing Kirishima and turning back the way we came.

I ignored his responses until we were a few hallways down, when I led us down an empty corridor. "What? What is going on?"

"This has to be where (Y/N) and Bakugo are." I held up the picture on my phone. "I say we go there."

Ghostly Flames [Todoroki x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now