The Pregames

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(Y/N), huh? First name basis. Just like real friends now.

I was released from the hospital the next day. Thankfully U.A. covered the medical costs, so I didn't need to worry about it.

Besides all of the bruises and scratches, I was fine overall. Except for my hand.

"Your hand from the wrist down has sustained nerve damage," the doctor told me.

"What does that mean?"

"There'll be difficulty whenever you try to use your wrist or hand. I'm sending you to a physical therapist, that'll help your control. But it's likely you'll never gain full control again."

I hadn't really paid attention as the doctor handed me a note for the therapist. With my hand still in a sling (for the second time in like a week or two), I trudged home. It was Friday, but U.A. was closed because of the incident. A few people were still in the hospital.

I had a weird dream last night. I was with with some old guy, a cigarette hanging from his lips. He knocked on a suspicious, concrete door. I heard a ton of locks being opened, then the door creaked open to show Shigaraki from USJ. I guess I panicked in my dream, because that's when I woke up.

As soon as I shut the door to my apartment, I went to take a bath. I was still wearing my PE uniform - it felt filthy. I felt filthy.

After changing into some comfy sweats and a hoodie, I clambered into bed and passed out.
Something was tickling my stomach. I touched my side and felt my phone vibrating. The sun was blinding as I opened my eyes. I groaned and pulled the blanket over me, then checked my phone. It was Denki.

I answered his call. "Hello?" I yawned, still half asleep.

I heard him laugh. "Mind if I come over?"

"What time is it?"

"Dude, it's like 3 in the afternoon. Did you just wake up?"

". . . no."

"Oh God." Denki wholeheartedly laughed again. "Well I guess that makes since. . . After everything."

I sighed. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, although Jirou had to save me after I went braindead." He chuckled uneasily.


"Oh yeah, she's this completey cool punk rockstar." He joked. "She's cute but she's so mean!"

I laughed at his joke. "Hey, (Y/N), about what I asked earlier. . . You wanna hang out?"

Suddenly I hesitated. Of course I love hanging out with Denki, my best friend. But I was just not feeling it. "Sorry, I'm still getting over what happened at USJ. Maybe next weekend?"

"Oh. No problem. I am asking like right after all that went down. Just feel better, okay?"

I smiled softly. "Don't worry, I will."

It was really 3? I slept that long? Yawning, I sat up, and went to the kitchen for some food.

I didn't leave my apartment the whole weekend. It was the first time in a long time that I just lounged around and slept for more than a day. I didn't even do any homework. It would've been relaxing if it weren't for all the thoughts swimming through my head. Most of it was just replaying the events from the USJ. Todoroki's words especially.

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