Walk Me Home

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I saw a pink hand held out in front of me. I glanced up at Mina, who was beaming brightly. "That was fun! Let's spar together sometime, okay?"

I was sent straight to Recovery Girl's office as soon as we reached the warehouse. At that point, I felt light headed as sharp, needle-like pain shot down to my fingers from my shoulder. All Might made a comment that suggested it looked a little dislocated.

Leaving the warehouse in a fit of frustration, I became dizzy and accidently ran into the side of the doorway, where everyone in class 1-A proceeded to turn around and give me worried looks. I sighed, turning around as I heard someone call out, "Wait!"

I slowly turned back around, careful not to fall over again, and saw Denki running towards me. He then draped my left, uninjured arm across his shoulders, and helped me walk straight.

"Thanks, Denki." I managed, clenching my jaw. Sticky beads of sweat formed along my forehead.

"(Y/N), you can let me bear some of that pain until we get to the nurse's office. I'll be fine." He insisted. I appreciated the offer, but I shook my head. I never let anyone feel my pain unless I was in a fight. Even then, during practice, I took it all back as soon as the training was over. There was no need to burden someone else's shoulders with my problems. 

I'll fight my own battles, thank you very much.

A couple minutes later, we reached Recovery Girl's office. I caught sight of Midoriya on a bed by the window, still unconscious from his fight. "Oh goodness, what do we have here?" She chirped. She told Denki to sit me down on the empty bed. I grimaced as Denki stood tall again. "What's your name, dear?"

"(L/N) (Y/N)." I replied, biting on my tongue. I let Mina feel this pain? "You don't have to stay here, Denki. You'll miss the last few match ups and the discussions afterward." I was frustrated that I was missing the discussion of my match.

"No ma'am, I'll be good staying right here. I already fought and won." He spoke with confidence. Then he dwindled to a nervous tone, motioning to Recovery Girl as she approached me. "If she'll let me stay."

"Of course, dear. You are such a great friend." She then turned her attention to me. "What's wrong?"

I explained the pain in my shoulder, showing her how it was just slightly out of its socket. She then made me unzip the top portion of my jumpsuit and take my arms out of the sleeves. Denki helped me slide my right arm out of the sleeve, keeping his gaze away from my exposed skin at all costs. He loved messing around with girls, but he had always shown me respect. He then took a step back and gave Recovery Girl space as she examined me.

"Well," she started. "The first thing I must do is place your shoulder back into place using the normal method that doctors do, by pushing it back into place. It'll be painful for a second, but you'll feel a lot better."

"Wait, can't you just kiss her shoulder and she'll be all fine? Why do you have to do that?" Denki piped in.

"My quirk doesn't heal injuries, it merely uses a patient's stamina to speed up their body's natural healing process. But the human body won't magically pull your shoulder joint back into place, so it has to be done the old-fashioned way. Then I can use my quirk to heal Miss (L/N)." She explained to Denki.

I bit down on my tongue. "Lets get it over with."

"(Y/N), you can give me all your pain for a moment as she pops your arm back into place, it won't hurt as much." Denki spoke quickly. He was always asking to do that for me whenever I was hurt. I never accepted his requests. And he still asks every single chance he gets. Not that I mind.

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