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A/n: this story isn't going to follow the anime/manga to the last little detail, frankly because that's pretty difficult to do. So I'll do my best from memory. Thank you!

I was so tired that I didn't even try to get underneath the blankets - I sunk into a deep, dreamless slumber.

I almost regretted asking Denki to wake me up super early. I was no way in hell a morning person.

We trudged to the school, arriving almost two hours before class started. Surprisingly, the front doors were unlocked and the main office was open. The attendant at the counter told us that Recovery Girl was already in her office.

"Good morning." She said, cheery. "Have a seat on the bed, (L/N)."

I complied. Denki took a seat in one of the chairs. Recovery Girl gave me a kiss on my forehead again, then removed the sling and bandaid. She smiled. "Your shoulder is completely healed now."

I sighed in relief. "Thank you so much, Recovery Girl."

"Of course, dear. Now I hope I don't have to see you in here injured again."

Flashing a smile, I grabbed my stuff and left with Denki.

I headed to the girls changing rooms to take a shower while Denki went upstairs to the library to work on some homework, surprisingly.

After a very needed and refreshing shower, I met up with Denki. He had barely gotten any work done (no surprise there). He sat at a table, staring out the window with high intensity. I sat next to him and glanced outside.

From our viewpoint, we could see the front gates of the school. But we could also see a giant swarm of media and journalists, crowding students as they tried to get into the school.

"Damn, what is going on?" I said.

"They were asking about All Might." Said a deep voice behind me. I turned and saw a boy with purple hair, looking as though he hadn't slept in weeks.

"Did they bother you when you got here?"

"Nope, it was pretty simple getting through that with my quirk." The boy turned back to the book he had laid out on the table.

I glanced at Denki, who was still watching the paparazzi. We both stared at the media until the warning bell rang.
At lunch, I decided to sit with Todoroki again. He and I had a polite discussion going on when an alarm interrupted us. Immediately everyone started panicking. I felt my stomach lurch slightly as my mind scrambled through possible explanations for this. But seeing Todoroki acting calm as we made our way to the exit helped cool my nerves.

Then it got physical. Everyone was trying to leave as fast as they could. I got squished between a handful of students, losing Todoroki along the way. I tried my best to get to one of the walls, out of the way from most of the stampede.

Then Iida was fucking flying in the air above everyone. He rammed into the wall above the exit, his toes gripping the door frame.

"Everyone! There is no need to panic!" He asserted. I hugged the wall for support, doing everything I could to not be dragged down with the masses. "It is only the media! They are trespassing! Please, calm down. Is this how U.A. students are supposed to act like?"

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