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This chapter will contain (light) manga spoilers.
The next chapter has a summary of what happens without any major manga spoilers.

"Yes. (Y/N), I want to call you mine. I want to be yours. I want to be with you."

On Monday morning, I stopped by U.A. to pick up my new costume before heading to the train station.

"Well, (L/N), I was able to make a brand new costume for you with all the additions you requested." Power Loader said, handing me the box with my costume.

I opened the box to take a peek. "Wow, this looks amazing!" I felt the material. "And this is feels strong. Thank you so much!"

"It's nothing." Power Loader waved me away, getting back to something else he was working on.

I changed into my costume before leaving U.A. It resembled light armor from an army. The suit was pale blue, covered with black armor and pads. My boots were thick, the end of them covered in a metal plating. My wrists and gloves had extra padding for more protection. Lastly, I had a hood that covered my head, alongside a mask that hid my face. (A/n: just think of Valkarie from MCU, it's the cover picture)

I pulled the hood and mask down to reveal my face as I made my way to the train station. Some of my classmates were still at the station, waiting for their trains. I caught sight of Shoto.

"Hey!" I waved him down. He saw me, and smiled.

"Wow, that new costume is . . . Amazing." He said, a light blush on his cheeks.

"Thank you." I beamed. "Where's all your stuff?"

"I'm staying in town. Endeavor's headquarters is here."

"Then why are you here?"

Shoto took a step closer and toyed with my hands. "I wanted to say goodbye to you before you left."

The heat rised to my cheeks again. Gosh, this boy is doing something to me. "That's so sweet, Shoto."

I checked the time. "Oh shit," I grabbed all my stuff. "I'm gonna miss my train. I'll see you when I get back?"

I started to turn and leave, but Shoto grabbed my forearm firmly. "Wait," he said. I turned back to him.

Shoto's hand held my cheek delicately as he leaned down and kissed me. His lips were so soft as I sank into the kiss.

As Shoto pulled back, I slightly leaned forward at the absence of his touch. I gazed up into his heterochromatia eyes. "Wow, just . . . Wow." I said, speechless.

"You're going to miss your train."

"What? Oh, what!" I hastily gathered my stuff, even more flustered than before. "I-I'll see you when I get back!"

Shoto chuckled at my clumsiness as I raced to my train. Thank God I made it, just in time.

And as Shoto left the station, a figure sitting on a bench a little aways glared at him. Yet the figure wasn't mad - he was heartbroken.
"Hey guys, nice to meet you." Hawks introduced himself.

"I'm - "

"Yeah, I already know both your guy's names." He interrupted. "I chose both of you from the Sports Festival, remember?"

"Of course." I mumbled. I looked over at Tokoyami. He was also interning with Hawks. He raised an eyebrow at me.

We both expected a very formal and dedicated hero when we came here. It's amazing that someone so young can also be one of the greatest heroes of this time. They would have to be very disciplined.

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