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Then I blinked. And I was not in an ideal place.

Her arms slid around me, holding me close to her. I inhaled, trying to smell her coconut shampoo. "I'm gonna be okay, Shoto. I promise." She nuzzled her face into the back of my blue flannel, causing my heart to flutter.

"I know, because I'm going to protect you." Since I couldn't do much else,  I patted her hands around my stomach. "I love you," I murmured.

Her voice was slightly muffled. "I love you too."

"Alrighty, let's get moving." I missed her touch the moment she pulled away.

The moon was bright, shining the way ahead for us. Everyone was silent, as it should be, as we marched ahead.

"Uraraka!?" Midoriya exclaimed from up ahead. Tokoyami and I rushed towards the voice.

A schoolgirl was standing on the other side of a clearing, a psychotic grin on her face. "There's too many people now, and I don't want to die." She muttered. "I'll see you later, Ochaco!" She squealed, before running into the treeline. Tsuyu and Uraraka panted as we approached them.

Uraraka had a similar cut on her forearm as (Y/N). "Are you okay, Uraraka?" Midoriya asked.

"I-I'm fine! Anyways, I should be more worried about you. . ." She faded off.

"We need to keep moving." Tokoyami complained.

"I'm just glad you're okay," Midoriya continued. "Ah, I know! Join us! We're escorting Kacchan and (Y/N) back to camp."

Tsuyu tilted her head to the side as Uraraka had an uneasy expression on her face.

"You're protecting them?" Tsuyu pondered. "Where are they?"

"Don't be ridiculous! They're right - " Midoriya turned the same time I did - we both realized the exact same thing.

How. . ?

My heart lurched in fear. "(Y/N). . ."

It felt like all my bodily functions just ceased, and I was just a cold, hollow piece of stone with no meaning or thoughts or emotions. Just a dead rock.

"The two you're talking about," a voice said from up above. I wiped my head around to look up at the villain, my fists tight. "I took them with my magic." He held up two tiny, blue marbles in his hand.


Fury fueled me, my teeth clenching, my brows furrowed. Heat was coming off my left side like crazy.

"Give them back!" I shouted.

"Give them back? That's a strange thing to say." The villain continued, clearly taking their time with this, enjoying every second of our suffering. "Bakugo and (L/N) are their own people. They're each their own person, you egotist."

I growled before sending a wall of ice at this guy, seething in rage. How dare he touch (Y/N) with his filthy hands.

The villain, of course, jumped out of the way. "We merely want to show Bakugo that the hero path is not his only choice. Kids these days are made to choose their paths based on their values."

I took a deep breath, clearing my thoughts. You can't save (Y/N) if you don't calm down and think.

"To go out of your way to talk to us, you're underestimating us!" I yelled, hoping to distract him.

He ignored me. "(Y/N) is a different case. A bargain, really. That's all."

"You bastard! DON'T TAKE THEM!" Midoriya screamed.

Ghostly Flames [Todoroki x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now