Guilt and Panic

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My heart fluttered as I slipped into a deep sleep.

The physical exam came the day after the written test. I was pumped.

This was gonna be so easy.

As we waited for the exercise test to begin, all of Class 1-A were waiting outside in our hero costumes. Only Tokoyami and Shoto had seen my new upgrades, so some of my classmates were commenting on it.

"You look so cool, (Y/N)!" Uraraka complimented.

"Yeah, like an assassin." Mina poked at my hood, to which I flipped off my head and pulled my mask down.

"T-Thanks." I replied with a nervous stutter.

Finally, Aizawa-Sensei approached us. "I'm sure you've all heard some rumors about the test from other U.A. students." He addressed us. Always with the bland announcements.

"It's a bunch of robots!" Mina exclaimed, somehow proud of that.

Suddenly, Aizawa-Sensei's scarf started shaking. Then, a small, mouse-like creature popped out of it. I recognized him from when I was admitted to U.A.

Principal Nezu.

"Hello, students." He introduced himself. "Correct. In the past, the exercise exam has been a battle against robots. However, there is a dire need for students to acquire more battle experience in order to better prepare them to be heroes. Starting with Class 1-A, we will be conducting real battles as the final exam. Pairs of students will battle one of our U.A. teachers."

At first, there was disbelief and silence. Once that moment passed, everyone utterly exploded with remarks and complaints.

Aizawa-Sensei glared at the class, and everyone fell silent. He then began naming the pairs and the teacher they would fight.

". . . (Y/N) (L/N) and Shoto Todoroki will fight myself. . ."


I glanced at Shoto, who stood to my right. My hand brushed softly against his.

We got this.

I stood with Shoto outside the training grounds where our exam would take place. We held each other's hand. "You nervous?"

I stared at the ground, very interested in a little pebble underneath my shoe.

"It's okay to be nervous. It means you want to succeed."

My stomach churned in anticipation. "Are you nervous at all?" I turned to look at him.

Before he got a chance to answer, the door to the training grounds opened. Shoto pulled me through the doors. "Remember the plan?" He asked. I nodded. I had memorized that bitch.

The goal was either capture the "villain" (Aizawa-Sensei), or one person make it through the escape gate. We have a time limit of 30 minutes, and to even the playing field, Aizawa-Sensei would be wearing weights equal to half his body weight. Since my quirk would not be any help in this situation, I was going to make a run to the escape gate.

The training grounds was a residential area. I took my fingernail and scratched my inner forearm deeply, blood dripping rapidly. I winced before tapping Shoto's shoulder and passing the pain onto him. If I felt the pain out of nowhere and if Shoto felt the pain disappear, we'd know Aizawa-Sensei was close.

"Could he be waiting by the gate?" I panted as we sprinted. Good thing all I did at my internship was sprint. Shoto was quiet, strategizing.

Then Aizawa-Sensei was in front of Shoto in a flash as we both stumbled to a halt. He must've jumped from a building and landed there. I was too far away to attack him on instinct, but Shoto tried to freeze him. However, his quirk had been erased. So instead, Shoto tried to kick him, in which Aizawa-Sensei easily dodged.

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