The End

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To me, this song sounds like the end of this book^^

Even through the kiss I could feel her smiling against my lips, making my heart nearly stop beating.

After everything faded to darkness, it occurred to me how overwhelming our five senses are. It was peaceful and calm once it was all taken away. It was soothing. There was nothing, it was painless, it was timeless.

Then, I found myself sitting on a chair. My feet barely touched the ground, whatever it was made out of; I must've been eight years old. There was nothing else in sight, and everything was coated in a dark blue hue. Everything except for me.

I scanned my surroundings, but it was just me and the dark blue chair.

At least, one time I turned back to my left, I saw an identical dark blue chair with someone sitting on top. I blinked rapidly, wondering if I could trust my eyes.

The woman smiled lovingly, her own (e/c) eyes filling with tears. She held her arms out to me.

My voice was quiet, as if I hadn't spoken in a thousand years.

". . . Mom?"

She nodded, and motioned me over to her.

I nearly fell as I stumbled on my feet. I wasn't used to my shortened height.

The tears were spilling before my tiny hands found purchase on my mother's clothes.

I clung tight to her, just as she tightly embraced me.

"You've grown so strong, Songbird. I'm so proud of you."

Her kind words only made me weep harder.

"M-Mom, I'm so s-sorry. . ."

She pulled back to look at my face. She moved my hair out of the way, resting the back of her hand on my forehead.

"Why are you sorry, dear?"

I squinted at her through my blinding tears.

"For everything. . . F-Father - "

"He's taken care of." She cut me off. "Thanks to your friend."

I gave her a confused expression, when suddenly I was transported somewhere else.

I was sitting at a dining table. Both my mother and father sat at opposing ends, laughing at something funny I had just said. Their laughs were both so light and full of joy, stemming from me.

Then, just as quickly as it had appeared, the moment transformed into another.

"Catch me if you can!"

This time it was a playground. I twirled around until I found the source of the voice. The vibrant yellow hair wasn't hard to find. I dashed after him, following his cute little giggle around the park.

The scene changed again. I tripped and fell down the stairs, where my impact with the floor triggered a giant burst of (f/c) energy to disperse in all directions. As I cried from the aches and bruises, my father eyed me curiously.

He crouched by my head. "What if we keep this our little secret for now?" He mused.

His warm hand then pressed against my forehead and I felt woozy. After the memory of my new, second quirk was gone, I started sobbing again.

"Oh no, Songbird, are you okay? I think you hit your head pretty hard."

Then it changed again, to a museum of heroes as I held my mother's hand.

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