(3) Lets meet sam

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So we finally arrive at this beautiful coffee shop in Kingston luckily it's close to my home so after this I can go home. I've had such an exhausting day but I really am enjoying myself and getting to know elysia and her friends they're great they're all really excepting, I feel like we're gonna get along great. Anyway I was about to leave until
"No Y/N you can't leave yet my boyfriend is about to arrive I really want you to meet him you're gonna love him!!" I just met this girl and I really love getting along with her and I don't want to upset her so I sit back down in waiting of this famous boyfriend "okay but he better be pretty great I have the sweetest dog I need to get home to" and just on que this long haired brunette walks in and comes up to they table.

"Hey guys, oh hey you must be Y/N , els told me a lot about you, so are you new to London?" "No I have an aunt who lives her I come down all the time but this is the first time I'm permanently staying down her" " oh really where do you live?" "Kin...

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"Hey guys, oh hey you must be Y/N , els told me a lot about you, so are you new to London?" "No I have an aunt who lives her I come down all the time but this is the first time I'm permanently staying down her" " oh really where do you live?" "Kingston I live on the street round the corner from here" "oh really what number?" "1206" " no freaking way you live next door to me! I'm 1204, we can walk back after if you want?" ".yeah that'd be great"

a couple hours pass and everyone starts getting pretty tired and I can hear Elysia moaning to Sam because she wants to go back to sleep after her day. I start to zone out of the conversation and turn to my phone realising the time. "So Harry then.." "sorry guys I have to go I need to walk my dog Parker" the poor guy has been trapped in the house all day, well not trapped he has a little door he can get in and out off but truthfully I just missed him it's been a long day. "No worries we will set off with you too".

As we start to walk down mine and sams street we notice a little dog on a lead making me want to rush to Parker quicker so I start to walk ahead when I hear Sam go into a conversation with Elysia about a boy named Harry. I don't pay much attention as I just wanted to get home once we get to my house I wave bye to the guys and finally settle into the house. Although it's September time the weather is still surprisingly sunny. I decide that I'm going to take my camera out with me today on my walk with Parker , recently I've been feeling behind on my photography so it'll be good to catch up on. As I put Parker in his harness I start to wonder about that name Harry, I realised his name was mentioned a lot today but no one said anything about it. I just brushed the thought past my mind and carried on my day as usual.

A/N I promise guys it's getting there let me know what you think

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