(17) Will you please go on a date with me?

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As me and Harry walk down the streets of LA we decide to turn off into the cutest park I've ever seen all the trees had gorgeous lights coming down off of them and underneath there was a picnic blanket and an old record player and the most beautiful classical music playing with two glasses and a bottle of wine next to them it was so beautiful. "Harry I think we should go this place looks reserved for someone". "no Y/N it's for you" my mouth almost instantly dropped "what? What are you talking about?" "I know we haven't had much time to talk tonight and Sam told me about how it was getting to you so snuck off and set this all up for us I asked him too anyway"


***SAM POV***
"Hey bro" "hey sam what's up" "so I've just been speaking to Y/N" "oh yeah? I haven't managed to talk to her much tonight we've both been so busy for some reason" "I know she said so I have a plan" "okay I'm all ears" and that's when I began to speak my plan to Harry and tell him everything that was going on. "That's amazing Sam so what do I do?" "Just make sure Y/N doesn't see anything going on and when you see me walk back in through the door that's the queue to leave" "got it"
"Bartender I need a bottle of wine and two glasses please" "here you go" and then I left and returned 1 hour later I saw Harry go to Y/N and I gave him the nod and they both left" I love playing match maker I hope they remember this at there wedding"


"oh that's where he went, omg this is so beautiful Harry I don't know what to say" "don't say anything, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N will you please go on a date with me?" And that's when I look at Harry and know that there is not one place that I want to be o...

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"oh that's where he went, omg this is so beautiful Harry I don't know what to say" "don't say anything, Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N will you please go on a date with me?" And that's when I look at Harry and know that there is not one place that I want to be on this earth more than this one" "Harry, middle name I do not know, Holland it would be my pleasure" "pleasures all mine my lady" and I just giggle as he takes my hand and leads me to the beautifully placed picnic and I make a mental note to thank sam later "how do you know my middle name anyway?" "I have my ways" and he just winks as we sit down.
How does everyone know my middle name?

***4 Hours later***

"Hey I think we should get going now I have to be at work early tomorrow" Harry looks at me with his gleaming eyes and nods in agreement "i go home tomorrow unfortunately to get my film set up but I promise I'll see you the second you get back" "Awhh Harry you don't have to" "I kinda do I promised Tom I'd pick him up from the airport and he told me you're flying back with him" I nudge playfully on the shoulder with my own "okay Deal so I'll see you in 3 days" "yeah defiantly" that's when I start to get cold and Harry notices "here take my jacket" and he wraps his jacket around me like a true gentleman and then we spoke for a couple more minutes when our Uber's arrived Harry refused to get into his until I was in mine he opens the door for me "so this is goodbye" I look at him and I remember I still have his jacket on "not forever silly, I'll see you in 3 days, I almost forget here's your jacket"   keep it as collateral" he then winks at me and I look at him wanting to kiss him but as we got closer harrys Uber beeps his horn breaking the moment "haha that's me I'll see you in 3 days Y/N" "bye Harry" I say as he closes the door.

As my Uber takes me back I couldn't help but smile the whole ride home I was over struck with happiness until I looked at my phone.

4 Z 💋
Y/N where the hell are you?
Oh wait sam just told me eekkkkk so happy
Use protection !!!
6 miss calls from Z💋
2 Tom 🤘🏼
Hey Y/N where have you gone? We've been looking for you?
Oh never mind sam just told me

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oh here we go..

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