(12) Harrys version

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Wow she was absolutely gorgeous I need to know this girl I couldn't stop thinking about her I haven't since the day at the store and now I actually know who she is, it's like I was suppose to meet her, I notice she's gone to the bathroom so I go up to Tom and zendaya quickly before she gets back I notice they're sitting down on the bar table so I decide to sit next to Tom and diagonally opposite zendaya "so what do you think of Y/N?" "Yeah she seems nice she's good looking too"i said. "I give it a month" said Tom that's when I realise Tom and zendaya are totally betting on me "a month till what?" "Until you fall madly in love and get in a relationship" I was about to respond until I realise Y/N was about to pull up a chair next to me but Imogen is quick to steal it and takes it herself so I notice she sits opposite me and I mouthed "sorry" quite honestly I loved that she sat opposite me it's easier for me to look at her.

"So Y/N this is Imogen harrys..." and before Tom could continue she already interrupted "girlfriend" !! If I had water I would've spat it out why would she do that!! Now Y/N is going to think that I'm in a relationship I look at Imogen and say "what! Why did you do that? Imogen we've been broken up for months why would you do that?!" "Sorry harr  bear I just thought that we where still a thing" "are you crazy?!" I attempt to look at Y/N and hopefully mouth to here that it wasn't true but she was talking to zendaya and when she turned round she said
"hey so Harry Tom told me about your short film you wanted to do back in London I was thinking maybe I could audition for the main role" "REALLY?!" As the word came out of my mouth I realised I probably sounded too enthusiastic so I tried to keep my calm "that would be great you don't even need to audition you can have the role I've been struggling to get the perfect person for the part but you'd be great! Thanks Y/N" truth is I haven't been struggling at all I have found people but I needed an excuse because I just want her around more.

"but harr bear you said I could do that"  I hate that name "No Imogen I didn't I said I need a British girl for the part it's set in old England you're American and your British accent is terrible" "hmm fine." God she frustrates me so much I really need to have a talk with Imogen later and explain to her that she needs to stop and it's never gonna happen but fortunately she stormed off I was about to ask Y/N for her number until she said  "Hey guys I'm sorry I need to go I have to be on set tomorrow at 4am" "what why you're an extra" said Tom "I know but I'm living with my uncle and he has to be there early for zendaya so I have to go along with him thanks Z" "hehe you're welcome girl will you give me a lift back with you? I don't like travelling on my own and Tom is staying with Harry tonight" "yeah of cause I'll go get the car" I really didn't want her to go but she looks so good as she walks away I couldn't help but look in Awhh and I could notice she's blushing until I see her face change instantly into a frown I turn to see Imogen giving her dirty looks bad I stare at her telling her to quit it "I'll see you tomorrow Tom, nice meeting you guys" before I could reply she was already out to door I wasn't able to get her number...

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